When a person becomes aware of an alleged violation of the Scholastic Ethics Code, the witnessing person will notify the instructor of the class in question as soon as possible. The instructor is responsible for investigating the allegation and, if warranted, officially charging the student with a violation of the Scholastic Ethics Code.
In consultation with the CAO, the Vice Chancellor has discretionary power to uphold, reverse or modify the determination of the MC Chair. Following a review of the recommendation of the committee chair by the Vice Chancellor or designee and the CAO, a written response from the Vice Chancellor will be forwarded to the student, the instructor, and the MC Chair. The decision of the Vice Chancellor of Educational Affairs is final and completes the procedure for alleged student violation of scholastic ethics at WCCCD. The Office of the Vice Chancellor of Educational Affairs will be the repository of records regarding decisions or actions involving these complaint procedures.
Students may be hesitant to report instances of sexual or gender-based harassment because they fear they may be implicated in the violation of other policies, such as underage alcohol consumption or unlawful drug use or possession. Students may also fear they may be subject to retaliation or reprisal. WCCCD has a legal obligation to protect the well-being of its community, remediating all forms of harassment, and encourages any student experiencing sexual or other harassment to report the misconduct.
The Student Handbook describes the resources that are available to WCCCD students. It also contains many policies and procedures important to students. Because we want your experiences at WCCCD to be as meaningful as possible, we encourage you to read this handbook carefully and treat it as a valuable resource document.
The test allows them to convert this knowledge into college credit. This opportunity may be particularly useful to the occupational career student, adult student, and the student who did not graduate from high school but who has acquired some special expertise.
An employee who reports harassment or a violation of this policy to WCCCD is protected from retaliation as a matter of law. Additionally, any WCCCD employee, faculty member, or student who reports a violation or suspected violation of applicable state or federal law to the Michigan Department of Civil Rights, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or any enforcement authority or administrative agency, whether internal or external to WCCCD, or who appears as a witness in the investigation of a complaint, will not be subject to retaliation or other adverse employment or academic consequence. If an employee believes that he/she has been subject to retaliation, he/she is encouraged to immediately report the occurrence(s) to the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources and Administration. Students are encouraged to report retaliation to the Vice Chancellor of Student Services. The Vice Chancellor of Student Services will immediately bring such reports to the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources and Administration.
No student shall possess, use, sell or distribute any quantity, whether usable or not, of any illegal drug, narcotic or controlled substance as defined in the Michigan Controlled Substance Act.