cod blackboard log in

by Esta Schneider 6 min read

How do students log in to Blackboard?

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What is my blackboard ID and myaccess ID?

To protect your login credentials, when completed with your web session, first log-off the system/app and then close all browser windows. System maintenance is performed between 2:00am - 6:00am daily.

What is Blackboard Collaborate and how does it work?

After surviving an abusive relationship, Meggie Hernandez-Zayas began fighting for survivor-focused legislation in Illinois. Her husband suggested she become a paralegal, and she discovered the Paralegal Studies program at College of DuPage. Her goal is to be employed by a survivor-focused nonprofit. Learn more about Meggie's story.

What are the hours for Blackboard math assistance?

Math Assistance using Blackboard Collaborate is available during the following hours of operation. Monday to Thursday: 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday: 1 to 4 p.m. and 6 to 9 p.m. Math Assistance using Blackboard Collaborate is only available to currently enrolled COD students.


Blackboard Collaborate Availability

Math Assistance using Blackboard Collaborate is available during the following hours of operation.

Blackboard Collaborate Requirements

A device with a camera and microphone, like your smartphone, computer, or tablet.

How Blackboard Collaborate Works

Call using Blackboard Collaborate during the Math Assistance hours and ask your questions. The link to the Blackboard Collaborate session can be found in your Math, Physics, or Chemistry Blackboard course site, on the Math Assistance Information Flyer or in Blackboard under the student support tab in the Learning Commons box.

Contact Information

Learning Commons#N#Student Resource Center (SRC), Room 2102#N#Call or Text: (630) 942-3940#N#Email: [email protected]#N#Learning Commons Hours of Operation

Assessing Learners

A playlist to help instructors learn how to build tests and assignments, grade student work, and use the Grade Center effectively.

Communicating & Collaborating

A playlist to help instructors learn how to communicate with students and inspire everyone to collaborate.

Data, Reporting, and Reuse in Blackboard Learn

A playlist to help instructors look at course data, run reports, and reuse course content.

All Instructor Videos

The complete series of short video tutorials to help instructors learn how to use tools, design their courses, and assess students.

Mobile Learning

Want to use your mobile device to access Blackboard? Learn how to get needed apps and how to login using selected mobile devices .


I can log in to Blackboard, but I can't open a course. The word "Unavailable" is next to the course title.
