clovis commmunity blackboard

by Felix Paucek II 7 min read

Why join the alumni of Clovis Community College?

Clovis Community College Login

How do I access my student email at Clovis Community College?

My Portal provides all the tools you need to help you succeed in college! The best way to access Canvas, WebAdvisor, and student email is through MyPortal. You can always find a link to MyPortal from anywhere on your college website. The My Portal link is at the top, above the main menu. Look for the MyPortal icon:

Why join the blackboard community?

Pathway is a web portal that will be your personalized point of entry to online information and services at Clovis Community College. One username and password provides quick access to current campus information and your most frequently needed campus resources. Use Pathway to access your Student Email, see your Financial Aid information ...

Does Clovis Community College have EEO?

Infobase (Formerly Hoonuit) Online Training Available 24/7. Our campus/district has partnered with Atomic Learning to provide access to a time-saving resource to address software training and support the moment it is needed. All faculty, staff and students now have access to over 50,000 how-to tutorials on over 205 applications—all at your ...

How to change Pathway password?

To change your Pathway password, click on the Home page. Click on the " My Account " link in the My Account box. Enter your old password and a new password that conforms to the password requirements. Enter the new password again for confirmation. Click on the " Save Changes " button.

How to change password on a secret question?

If you correctly answer your secret questions, the system will display your password. Click on the Login button to login. Enter your Username and Password. The system will require a password reset after logging in. Enter a new password, enter it again for confirmation, and click on the Change Password button.

How to change password recovery answer?

To change your Password Recovery Answers, click on the Home page. Click on the "My Account" link in the My Account box. Click on the "Change password recovery answers" link. Enter your password and change your answers.

How many security questions do you have to answer before you can reset your password?

The first time that you login, you will be asked to change your password and answer six security questions. If you ever forget your password, you will need to answer three of these security questions before the system will allow you to reset your password.

How many questions are required to answer in a user defined question?

You must answer at least 6 questions. The minimum number of significant characters in a user-defined question is: 2. Each answer must be at least 2 characters long. Answers are not case sensitive (when answering the questions different upper and lower case characters may be supplied).

How many characters are needed for a question?

The minimum number of significant characters in a user-defined question is: 2. Each answer must be at least 2 characters long. Answers are not case sensitive (when answering the questions different upper and lower case characters may be supplied). The system treats " Ice Crea m" and " ice cream " the same.

What will I find there?

Training on common software such as Word, PowerPoint®, Excel®, Adobe® Creative Suite, Skype™, SPSS®, twitter™, and Google™ Docs, and technology workshops like Online Teaching/Blended Learning.

How do Students log in?

Username: 7-digit Id number for the username. Password: the same password that you use for Email, Blackboard and Wi-Fi.

Canvas Login Information

Student login instructions: Username: Your 7-digit student ID number. Password: If you have not previously changed your password, it is: First name initial (upper case) + last name initial (lowercase) + date of birth (mmddyy) Example: John Smith born on July 9th of 1988 Password =Js070988

Atomic Learning

Atomic Learning has over 100 video tutorials on how to use Canvas. Access The Atomic Learning Platform with the same user name and password you use for your CCC email. There are many resources on Atomic Learning, including Canvas tutorials.

On-Campus Help

Resources and training are available on campus. Contact Tracy Stuntz for more information: [email protected]