by Ms. Mossie Kiehn
Published 3 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
4 min read
What is the blackboard e-education platform?
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Who is Ciocc?
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How do I access blackboard as a student?
Welcome to the Blackboard e-Education platform—designed to enable educational innovations everywhere by connecting people and technology. System Announcements Helpful Links(Wednesday, August 8, 2018) Visit the Student Technologypages to access information and instructions about using technology at Illinois Central College
What is a blackboard crash course?
Account access for Current Students. Click the student login icons above to access online services available to students. Login help .
Account access for Current Students
Click the student login icons above to access online services available to students. Login help .
2021 Summer Term Information#N#During Summer term, all student services and most classes will be available remotely or online, with the exception of some programs that will resume in-person learning and follow enhanced health and safety protocols. For details see: Student COVID-19 Information.
Blackboard Help
Blackboard Help Site If you need technical assistance with Blackboard, contact the IT Support Center at 614-287-5050 or email [email protected]. To learn more about how to navigate your courses, take our online Blackboard orientation. This self-paced interactive course is designed for students who want to learn how to perform basic functions in Blackboard. If you prefer a brief o…
Step 1: Access Blackboard Click the Blackboard link in the upper right corner of the Columbus State homepage or type courses.cscc.eduinto your browser.
Step 2: Log in to Blackboard Log in to Blackboard with your Columbus State username and password (the same login you use for CougarWeb and email). If you need to discover your username or change your password, go to
NetTutorNetTutor offers online tutoring options for students. You can access NetTutor by clicking on the N logo in any course. StarfishYou can schedule appointments with Academic Advisors and other support personnel through Starfish. Also, you may receive emailed academic warnings or referrals through Starfish. You can access Starfish and fill out your profile within Blackboard. Kal…
Zoomis an online web conferencing platform that allows students the ability to attend virtual class meetings, share presentation materials, and communicate in real-time using audio, video, and chat tools. Learn more about Zoom Teams is a chat-based workspace in Office 365 that is often used by Columbus State employees to host virtual meetings, share presentation materials…