changing saved drafts to posts in blackboard

by Jerrell Rempel 5 min read

Part of a video titled Draft Discussion Posts in Blackboard - YouTube
Just mouse over the draft button select edit make any changes. To. Do that and Smith both now goesMoreJust mouse over the draft button select edit make any changes. To. Do that and Smith both now goes into the discussion forum and it's has status published. So that's how you find your draft posts.

How do I save a draft of a post?

Dec 06, 2021 · If you are looking for blackboard change draft to actual post, simply check out our links below : 1. Threads | Blackboard Help. ... Click Save Draft to store a draft of the post or click Submit to create the thread. How to Change the Status of a Thread in a Discussion Forum.

How do I edit or delete a draft post?

Oct 19, 2021 · When posting to a discussion board in Blackboard, you will see that you have a “save draft” button located next to your “submit” button. 5. Original draft version is displayed in a Blackboard Assignment … Original draft version is displayed in a Blackboard Assignment rather than the latest submission

How do I access and submit my saved draft?

Oct 16, 2021 · Blackboard Change Draft To Actual Post October 16, 2021 by Admin If you are looking for blackboard change draft to actual post , simply check out our links below :

How do I view my draft posts?

Oct 22, 2021 · Select Draft Only from this list to open, edit, and publish your saved …. Blackboard (Students) – Assignments: Submit a Saved Draft · Click …. 6. Discussion Boards – Blackboard Student Support – University …. Contact and Hours. If you are not ready to post your Thread, click Save Draft. A copy of your Thread will be saved.

How do I post a saved draft on Blackboard?

Blackboard (Students) - Assignments: Submit a Saved DraftClick the Assignment link in your course (ex: Writing Assignment link in Week 1 course folder)You will see a screen that shows your saved submission/new attempt. ... On the next screen, you should see any original attachments you had saved.More items...•Apr 19, 2017

When you save a draft on Blackboard can others see it?

7. Discussion Boards – Blackboard Student Support. Published — Other people can read and respond to the Thread; Hidden — The Thread is hidden … If you are not ready to post your Thread, click Save Draft.May 20, 2021

How do I delete a draft submission on blackboard?

In your course, go to the Control Panel > Full Grade Centre.Click on the downward grey chevron arrow icon in the right of the cell corresponding to the submission. ... Select Clear Attempt in the bottom right of the page.Blackboard will issue a warning message reminding you that the submission cannot be recovered.More items...•Jul 17, 2018

How do I edit my discussion post on Blackboard as a student?

When you create or edit a forum, you control if students may edit their published posts.Open a forum and select a thread.On the thread's page, point to a post so that all of the functions appear and select Edit.The editor appears. Make edits while you view the original post.Select Submit.