Go to the https://passwordreset.microsoftonline.com/. You must register your account before you can use the self-service password reset feature. Passwords should be complex, something that could not be easily guessed by another person, and change regularly.Jan 4, 2022
The web address for Blackboard is https://blackboard.ncat.edu. You will use your Active Directory credentials to access Blackboard. (Your AD credentials are typically your NCAT email username and your default password.)
What is my Banner ID number? In order to retrieve your Banner I.D. number, please go to our Banner Retrieval Form and enter in your NC A&T e-mail account. Your Banner I.D. will then be sent to you via e-mail.
two1. The University allows up to two (2) excused absences per academic term for religious observances required by the faith of a student.
Log in at Google.tamu.edu or click the Email icon after logging in at Howdy.tamu.edu. To learn how to request an account, visit the Claiming a Texas A&M University Gmail Account page in the Knowledge Base.
The grade point average (GPA) for a semester, summer session, etc. will be computed by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the number of credit hours attempted (for which regular grades are received). The grade point average will be calculated to two decimal points.
In addition, students returning to graduate studies following an approved leave-of-absence may apply for re-enrollment. For more information, please contact the Graduate School at [email protected] or 336-285-2366. Students ineligible for re-enrollment will be required to apply for readmission.
New Students, if your major/concentration is incorrect or would like to change it, please send an email to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions using the email address [email protected] before the semester begins. Current students must fill out the Change of Major form.
Find Your Academic AdvisorSelect "Student" tab.Click on "Student Records"Select "View Student Information"See your Faculty Advisor's name indicated next to "Primary Advisor"
Section 8.12 Dress Code You are expected to wear attire that is job appropriate. Some departments may provide guidelines or adopt informal dress codes. If management considers clothing to be inappropriate, you may be warned, or sent home to change.
A student may withdraw from any course or courses by submitting a Change of Schedule form to the Office of the Registrar on or before the last day to withdraw from an individual course, as published in the Academic Calendar. Change of Schedule forms are available at the Registrar's Office.
The Dean of StudentsThe Dean of Students is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the university student conduct processes and procedures.