cecil how to log into blackboard

by Prof. Santos Waters DVM 4 min read

What can I do with mycecil logon information?

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How do I apply to Cecil College?

Blackboard Learn is how most online courses will be delivered. Please ensure you have access by logging in to the system prior to the start of your class. Access at https://cecil.blackboard.com. Blackboard Mobile App is an app that lets you and your instructors interact with your Blackboard courses from your mobile devices.

How do I contact Ceci public safety?

Thursday, Februrary 24, 2022: Cecil College physical campuses close at 6pm. Check Blackboard . If you are a returning student, you can visit the Registration tab to register for your courses.


You're in the Right Place

If you have an interest in attending Cecil College, visit Admissions & Aid on the Cecil College Website for information on applying to the college. We look forward to seeing you on campus!

Contact Public Safety

Your ideas and observations with regard to making Cecil College's campus a safe environment are welcomed. If you have questions, concerns or suggestions, please contact Public Safety at [email protected].

Forgot your password?

Forgot your password? Remember - your password for MyCecil logon is the same password you use to logon to any student computer.

Password Assistance

Click here if you need to reset your password or change your challenge questions.

Using Course Search

Need instructions on how to add courses through the Course Schedule portlet?
