catholic university blackboard

by Noe Grady 5 min read

How does blackboard use my personal information?

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What is Catholic University of America?

Log into Catholic University's Blackboard system.

What is technology services at Catholic University?

Cardinal Station is the landing page for the University’s Student Information, HR/Payroll, Financial, Hiring and Performance Management systems.

What is about about us about catholicu?

The Catholic University of America is a national research university with 5,700 undergraduate and graduate students in more than 250 academic programs on a residential campus in the heart of Washington, D.C. COVID-19 Updates. Stay up to date with the latest information from Catholic University regarding COVID-19.

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Located in Washington, D.C., The Catholic University of America is the national university of the Catholic Church, founded by the U.S. bishops and the pope, faithful to the teachings of Jesus Christ as handed on by the Church. Dedicated to advancing the dialogue between faith and reason, Catholic University seeks to discover and impart the truth through excellence in …


Architecture Students Re-make History

Team builds replica of Notre-Dame de Paris roof truss on University Mall.

Find Your Program at CatholicU

Use our Program Finder to explore more than 130 undergraduate programs — all rooted in a strong liberal arts foundation and the Catholic intellectual tradition.


Looking for an answer to a technology question? Start with our resources page. We've gathered our most-requested topics in one place.


Technology Services offers multiple programs for accessing networks, computing, and information resources. Find out who is eligible and how to enroll.


Technology Services is the central IT department at Catholic University. Please explore our services by category to learn more about what we offer.

Forms & Policies

Need a technology request form? Want to know the University policies related to technology? Start here.

Cardinal Learn

Cardinal Learn is Catholic University's Learning Management System, powered by Blackboard Learn. Use Blackboard tools to reach students beyond the traditional walls of the classroom.

Cardinal Mail

Cardinal Mail is Catholic University's implementation of Google G Suite for Education for students, faculty, staff and alumni. It offers familiar Gmail email, a comprehensive productivity suite including Docs, Sheets and Slides, unlimited Google Drive file storage, Google Meet conferencing and more.

Cardinal Students

Cardinal Students is the Catholic University student information system. The Office of Enrollment Services makes available Cardinal Students navigation guides for students, faculty and staff.


Zoom for Higher Education is a cloud conferencing service that assists faculty in establishing a hybrid or virtual classroom environment, recording sessions, and managing communications within the meeting population. Learn how to make Zoom sessions more secure.


Lenovo LanSchool is classroom management software for faculty that helps to promote collaborative learning and minimize student distractions.


Panopto is a video and audio recording platform that integrates with Blackboard Learn. This tool can assist faculty in flipping the classroom, capturing lectures, and supplementing learning content for students.

Plagiarism Detection

SafeAssign and Turnitin are plagiarism detection tools for faculty use.
