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by Marcel Turner 10 min read

Where is breast cancer most common?

Although breast cancer is diagnosed more commonly in wealthy nations, some low-income countries – in Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean – suffer very high mortality rates. A lack of early detection programs in these countries may play a role.

Where does liver cancer occur?

Liver Cancer Incidence. Almost 85% of liver cancer cases occur in developing nations. In Asian countries such as Mongolia, the burden of disease is blamed on high rates of hepatitis B and C, as well as widespread alcohol use.

What is the most common cancer in women?

Breast cancer is the world’s most common cancer in women. The illness is diagnosed most frequently in developed countries. Good nutrition in childhood and a relatively late age at which women begin childbearing are likely factors. The high rate of disease in wealthy nations may also reflect aggressive screening.

What is the cause of cervical cancer?

The primary cause of cervical cancer is the human papillomavirus (HPV), a common sexually transmitted infection. Vaccines against HPV, as well as low-cost tests that detect precancerous lesions, could dramatically lower death rates in countries where the disease still kills large numbers of women. « Previous | Next ».

Does China smoke cigarettes?

Today, China consumes more than a third of the world’s cigarettes, and an estimated two thirds of men in Indonesia smoke. Experts predict sharp increases in lung cancer deaths in the developing world in the years ahead.

Can prostate cancer be detected early?

Screening can find cancer early – when it is treatable – but may also detect tumors that would never pose a risk to a man’s life. « Previous | Next ». Prostate Cancer Mortality. Some countries in sub-Saharan Africa and other nations with large black populations face high death rates from prostate cancer.

Is cancer a disease of affluence?

Cancer is often considered a disease of affluence, but about 70% of cancer deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries. Explore this interactive map to learn about some cancers that disproportionately affect poorer countries. And check out the series Cancer’s New Battleground from PRI's The World.
