cal-card blackboard

by Dr. Katharina Rippin 7 min read

What is a calcard and how do I use it?

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What is CBU blackboard?

State CAL-Card Program. Department of General Services. Procurement Division, CAL-Card Program. 707 Third Street, 2nd Floor, MS 2-202. West Sacramento, CA …

How do I add money to my student's calcard?

And through an agreement between the University and the Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union (PSECU), the CalCard also serves as an ATM card, if you choose the banking option. Log in to Blackboard to add money to your student's Cal Card. Contact: 724-938-4300. Buying and Selling Texbooks

Can state agencies use Cal-card for travel-related purchases?

dard Email More Info STAFF STAFF Email More Info...This course prepares students for a successful transition to university coursework, including online studies. Students are introduced to the resources CBU has in place to ensure the success of its student body including an introduction to the Blackboard learning management system. (0 units; Online and Professional …

What is a Cal card?

CAL-Card is the registered name of the State of California’s Purchase Card Program.

Is a Cal card a procurement method?

CAL-Card is NOT a procurement approach or acquisition method. Therefore, agencies must adhere to all procurement laws, regulations, policies, procedures, and best practices as indicated in the CAL-Card Participating Addendum and State Contract Manuals (State agencies only).

What is a CalCard?

The CalCard is your student's official Cal U ID card. The CalCard provides access to campus events and activities, residence halls, Vulcan Theatre and Herron Recreation and Fitness Center. It also provides borrowing privileges at Manderino Library. CalCard holders can ride the Vulcan Flyer shuttle, as well as Mid Mon Valley Transit Authority bus routes, free of charge.

What is the phone number for Cal U?

Contact: 724-938-4232.

How to contact Finaid at Cal U?

Contact: [email protected] or 724-938-4415. The Office of Student Accounts helps you and your student explore payment options; staff also can answer questions about tuition, fees and other costs. Cal U students receive one printed bill each term.

Where is the police department at Cal U?

Police headquarters is in the Pollock Building, near the railroad crossing. To reach Cal U police, call 724-938-4299.

Can Cal U students share their grades?

Your Cal U student may want to share information about his/her grades, financial aid, billing or transfer credits with you or another trusted person. These records are protected from disclosure under FERPA, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

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Results will be returned that contain all of the terms entered. For example searching for bus schedule would return anything that contains both bus and schedule in any order but not only bus or schedule by themselves.