browser times out when logging into blackboard

by Judah Bartell 7 min read

The user's session will be timed out if they don't click within Blackboard Learn and are inactive for a certain timeframe. When the user attempts to access the Blackboard Learn system again, they will be prompted to log in.

How do I log in to my blackboard account?

Feb 19, 2022 · The user’s session will be timed out if they don’t click within Blackboard Learn and … out of Blackboard Learn, that action will only stop the Blackboard session. … be destroyed at the time of logout and the user will need to log in again to access …. 3. Session Timeouts – Session Timeouts – Answers.

Why is my Blackboard Learn session timed out?

The user's session will be timed out if they don't click within Blackboard Learn and are inactive for a certain timeframe. When the user attempts to access the Blackboard Learn system again, they will be prompted to log in.

What is a single logout in Blackboard Learn?

Jan 04, 2022 · Logging Into Blackboard. 1. Open your browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, or Internet Explorer). Note: Chrome is the preferred browser for Blackboard. 2. Go to and select the Log In button in the top right corner. 3. Enter your student user name and password. Note: Not sure what your username and password or need to reset, please ...

What is the difference between the SSO and Blackboard Learn sessions?

Clear your browser cache. Quit your browser. Re-open browser. Log into your USC Zoom Account, — this is so you see your class meetings in the ‘USC Zoom Pro Meeting’ app in your Blackboard courses. After logging into USC Zoom, go to Blackboard and log back in,


How do I stop Blackboard from timing out?

After you have logged on to MyCommNet, click on Blackboard (upper-right corner) icon to enter Blackboard Learn system. ... Now you are safe to work in Blackboard without seeing a time out message. ... While working in Blackboard, you are prompted to either stay or log out MyCommNet.

Why can't I browse my computer on Blackboard?

Internet History and Cache Sometimes, this stored data can create problems for Blackboard users trying to login to the system. If you are experiencing “Session Already Running” errors or are unable to view certain web content, try clearing your Internet history and/or cache.

Why does Blackboard not work on Safari?

The problem occurs when you are using Safari on a Mac computer. You are able to login to myCommNet but when you click the link to Blackboard it requires an additional login. This is usually due to the browser not accepting cookies. You could workaround this by using a different browser such as Chrome.

Why is Blackboard giving me a sign on error?

Issue: User receives 'Sign On Error' when trying to login to Blackboard. Resolution: USE FIREFOX OR CHROME! Safari and Internet Eplorer/Edge don't work consistently. Once you see this error, you will need to clear the history, cache, and cookies on your web browser.

Which Internet browser is not recommended for use in Blackboard?

Google Chrome versions 42+, Mozilla Firefox versions 52+, and Microsoft Edge don't support NPAPI-type plug-ins, including Java plug-ins and many media browser plug-ins. Blackboard doesn't support these browsers for using embedded media types that require third-party NPAPI plug-ins for viewing. 3.

What is the recommended browser for Blackboard?

Certified browsers and operating systemsBrowserDesktopMobileGoogle ChromeWindows 10 & 11, macOS 10.14+Android 9+FirefoxWindows 10 & 11, macOS 10.14+Not supportedSafarimacOS 10.14+iOS 12+Microsoft Edge (Chromium)Windows, macOSAndroid, iOS

Does Safari work with Blackboard?

Check whether your web browser works well with your version of Blackboard Learn. When using a screen reader, use ChromeTMand JAWS® on Windows® and use Safari® and VoiceOver on a Mac® ....Supported browsers.Desktop Browser VersionsMobile Browser Base Versions1Safari13+ (desktop, Mac OS only)On iOS 12+3 more rows

Is Blackboard compatible with Safari?

A variety of modern operating systems including common desktop, tablet, and handheld devices like Windows 10, Apple OS X, IOS and Android. Blackboard maintains a complete list of tested operating systems. Note: Windows XP is NOT supported!

Does Blackboard work on iPad Safari?

Hi there ashtanfromcolumbia, Being able to use Blackboard is definitely important. We see you're able to access it using Google Chrome, but not with Safari.Dec 9, 2020

How do I get rid of Blackboard sign in error?

Clearing Browser Cache and Cookies ​Copy & paste this link in your browser: chrome://settings/clearBrowserData. Check the boxes for "Browsing history, Cookies and other site data, and Cached images and files" Click "Clear Data" Completely close all tabs/windows and restart the browser.May 13, 2021

Why is Blackboard app not working?

Go to Settings > Apps > Blackboard or Instructor > Storage > Clear Data. Uninstall the Blackboard app or Blackboard Instructor app. Restart device. Reinstall the Blackboard app or Blackboard Instructor app.

How do I get rid of Blackboard error?

Table of ContentsReload or Hard Refresh the Blackboard Web Page Multiple Times.Check the Blackboard Server Status.Use a Different Web Browser.Clear Your Web Browser's Recent History, Cache and Cookies.Sign Out and Sign Back Into Blackboard.Avoid Leaving Blackboard Logged In on Your PC.More items...•Oct 24, 2020

COVID-19 Vaccination Reporting (as of August 2021)

As of August 16, 2021, students will be prevented from logging into Blackboard and MyUSC if you have not uploaded your vaccine documentation or exemption form to the student health portal ( MySHR ). Please visit USC’s COVID-19 Vaccination Program Policy FAQs for more information.

MyUSC Portal

Some students and instructors who are accessing Blackboard via the MyUSC Portal may not be able to log in. Instead, please go directly to to sign in.

USC NetID Account Activation, Password Change, etc

If you have not yet activated your NetID, please go to: Activate your NetID

Error Message

If you are seeing error messages similar to the ones below, you may have been timed out of your Blackboard and/or USC NetID session and need to log back in.
