blc blackboard ft stewart

by Anika Murphy DDS 6 min read

What is the Fort Stewart BLC packing list?

Mar 21, 2022 · FORT STEWART NCOA OVERVIEW Basic Leader Course is a 22-academic day course course consisting of 169 hours which focuses on the six NCO Common Core Competencies. BLC is designed to build leader and...

Who is instructing BLC at NCOA?

Log in to Blackboard [ ] click on My Courses [ 682_600-C44_2020_005_00_N: Ft Stewart BLC On Home Page, Click on “Students Report Here”. It will take you to the academy...

How do I contact the BLC?

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Fort Stewart NCO Academy, Emergency Basic Leader Course Class 01-21(eBLC). Your selection to BLC proves …

What is the welcome letter for BLC class 001-21 (change 1)?

4.DA FORM 5500/5501 BODY FAT CONTENT SHEET (if applicable within 60 Days of BLC report date) 5.FORT STEWART BLC PACKING LIST: with Chain of Command’s signatures 6.SRB (updated and within 30 days) 7.SSD1/DLC1 CERTIFICATE (DA FORM 87) 8.PERMANENT PROFILE SIGNED BY APPROVAL AUTHORITY (if applicable) 9.COPY OF DD FORM 1610 (TDY only)

What is the BLC course?

· Basic Leader Course ( BLC ), is the first leadership course Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) attend. BLC is a month-long course that teaches Specialists and Corporals the basic skills to lead small groups of Soldiers. This course is hard hitting and intensive with emphasis on leadership skills and prepares Soldiers to advance to the rank of Sergeant.

What is BLC in military?

BLC is a month-long course that teaches Specialists and Corporals the basic skills to lead small groups of Soldiers. This course is hard hitting and intensive with emphasis on leadership skills and prepares Soldiers to advance to the rank of Sergeant. More ›. 127 People Learned. More Courses ››.

What is BLC in the Army?

BLC is designed to build basic leader and trainer skills needed to lead a team size element; while providing the foundation for further development along the PME learning continuum. Instruction at the BLC is accomplished through the use of the Army Experiential Learning Model (ELM) methodology.

What is BLC training?

The training in BLC focuses on Basic leadership training, instilling leader's skills, knowledge, and experience needed to lead team-squad size units. BLC provides the foundation for further training and development building functional leadership attributes and competence.

What is the phone number for HIA?

Once you arrive at HIA you need to call the BLC Staff at (717)-861-6950 to arrange pick up from the airport. Commercial Travelers only who are going to arrive late (after 1600 hrs) will need to notify 3rd Battalion Staff at (717) 861-6950 or (717) 639-6182 IN ADVANCE.

What is DA 3349?

Soldiers on any type of profile must have the profile limitation (DA Form 3349) in their possession. Soldiers with temporary profiles that prevent full participation in the course are not eligible to attend. Soldiers who have permanent (Category II) profiles are eligible to attend.

What is a SSD-1?

2. Effective 1 April2013, Structured Self-Development 1 (SSD-1) is a prerequisite to attend the Basic Leaders Course (BLC).

What are the requirements for OCP?

1. All students are required to have two complete sets of accouterments for their OCP uniform; including Velcro unit patches, rank, nametapes and U.S. Army tapes, along with subdued skill and occupation badges (if applicable). The U.S. embroidered-colored insignia flag is the only authorized insignia.

Where to fly into for Indiantown Gap?

All Soldiers traveling by plane will fly into Harrisburg International Airport ( HIA), which is located 30 miles from Ft. Indiantown Gap. Before leaving home station, double check your ticket/itinerary to ensure your destination is HIA.