BlazerNet. JWCC Homepage. Notifications. All Banner services, including SOLAR and the JWCC mobile app, will be unavailable on April 23, 2022 from 6:30 - 10:00 AM. We need your help to keep JWCC COVID-free. Students are expected to provide proof of vaccination or test weekly. Free, saliva-based testing available at all centers.
To log into UAB Blazernet, you’ll need your BlazerID and password. Navigate to Enter your BlazerID. Then enter your case-sensitive password. Click on the Log in button to access your account. UAB Blazernet login. Your BlazerID is the username for accessing many of UAB’s services and online resources.
Visit BlazerID Central for help or to reset your password. Contact AskIT at 205-996-5555 if you have any problems using this system or your BlazerID.
A BlazerID is a computer login name that the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) has deployed campus-wide. It is roughly equivalent to the screenname/”buddy list”/username identifier you may have used to access online services such as Google, Yahoo, or America Online.
Many of the network and computer resources at UAB such as UAB Blazernet and Canvas accept or require a BlazerID for login, and the goal is to ultimately have your BlazerID serve as the sole identifier that allows you to securely access all of UAB’s online information services and portals.
Most major administrative and academic online services on the UAB campus now require that you have a BlazerID. Some examples
In order to get a BlazerID, you must be associated with UAB as a past, present, or incoming employee or student (students who last attended before 1982 may not be in the computer records). If you are not (or have not been) affiliated with UAB as an employee or student, then you cannot get a BlazerID; there are no exceptions to this rule.
Actually, you cannot change your BlazerID once it has been set. However, you can use the Mail Only Alias option in place of your BlazerID.
UAB Canvas is the learning management system (LMS) used at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. It provides a great place for UAB students and faculty to create, organize, and implement course content, assignments, quizzes, discussions, files, and more.
A BlazerID is a computer login name that the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) has deployed campus-wide. It is roughly equivalent to the screenname/"buddy list"/username identifier you may have used to access online services such as Google, Yahoo, or America Online.
One of the primary reasons for implementing the service was so people can give out that address and not worry if their actual mailbox changes. This is especially beneficial for those who want to put their e-mail address on business cards, brochures, letterhead, and such. If we were to display your actual mailbox, then someone would likely pick that up as your permanent e-mail address, and if you moved to a different department or server or mailbox username, they would no longer be able to contact you.
For the password: Must be a combination of at least 15 but not more than 32 letters and numbers, including at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and a numeral. Punctuation can also be included, except for blanks, equal signs (=), and quotation marks (' or ").
If you are a UAB employee, then you have a 7-digit Oracle employee number. If you are a UAB student, then you have a 9-character Banner ID number which starts with the letter 'B'. The registration form should accept either of these.