by Sean Prohaska DVM
Published 3 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
5 min read
What is the difference between Blackboard and flow?
Workflows in the Content Collection | Blackboard Help Workflows in the Content Collection Users can create workflows to define the tasks and order of execution of a specific process, including which documents and individuals are involved.
What is Blackboard software?
Create an instant workflow In the Content Collection, select Collaboration. Select the arrow to go to the Collaboration landing page. Select Get Started. Select Create Instant Workflow or Copy Existing Workflow Model. If you're copying a model, select Browse to …
Why choose blackboard for digital transformation?
In the workflow model's menu, select Edit. Under Content, select Browse Content Collection to find the item you'd like to link. After you've selected the item, select Submit. Check the boxes to grant privileges for the item. Select Submit when you're finished. Milestone level. In the Content Collection, go to the Create a Workflow Model page.
Start a workflow
You can deploy workflows manually or automatically. You can manually start a workflow in these ways:
Create an instant workflow
Users can create an Instant Workflow, which leads the user through a seamless process of creating a new workflow and executing it.
Create an item-based workflow
Users can create a new workflow using a Content Collection item as a starting point. This method ensures that a particular item is in included in the workflow.
Edit an active workflow
Users can edit any workflow that they own and that is in progress. You can only edit a workflow if you stop it, or if the milestones and actions have not yet been started.
Workflow Models
Actions are the individual tasks located within workflow milestones. Actions are specific expectations or steps in the process of the overall workflow. Actions can be assigned to a single user or a group. Workflow designers can add actions to the workflow model when it is being designed or when it is in progress, provided that the action is added to a milestone that has not …
You can find workflow models on the Create a Workflow Model: My Models page. To access this page, select Create a Workflow Model or Design Workflow Modelsfrom the Collaboration menu in the Content Collection. This page contains the following functions: 1. Create Model- Select this option to create a new model. 2. Display Models - Use this list to refine the list of models that ap…
A model is not complete and can't be started until it includes at least one action. 1. In the Content Collection, select Create a Workflow Model. 2. Select Create Model. 3. Name the model and type a description in the Instructionsfield. These are instructions for using the workflow. For example, if this is a shared workflow, this section may be use...
Once you create a workflow model, you can edit it. A workflow model can only be edited by its owner. These modifications affect the original model and any shared instances of that workflow model. Existing instances of the workflow are not affected by these modifications. Workflow models in progress can be edited only after they are stopped. Once stopped, the owner can edit …
Users can copy a workflow model they have created or that has been shared with them. Once the workflow model has been copied, the user can edit it accordingly. If a user copies a shared workflow model they become the owner, meaning they can edit the model and reuse it, even if the original is deleted from the system or is unshared with them. 1. In the Content Collection, go to t…
Workflow models can contain items from the Content Collection. As the workflow model designer adds items, they also choose the permissions that users have for these items. Users are granted these permissions only for the duration of the milestone. After the milestone is complete, these unique permissions are removed for the items associated with the milestone. The selected per…