blackboard with zoology drawings

by June Schmitt DDS 7 min read

Fuzzy wuzzy

Listen to the tongue twister and practise saying it. How fast can you say it?

How To Draw a Sparrow, Worksheet and lesson

A free parent and teacher resource, A printable drawing worksheet, How to draw a bird. Perfect for young artist.

Drawing fox

Drawing fox: Learn how to draw a fox with simple step by step instructions. The Drawbot also has plenty of drawing and coloring pages!

Man and Animal – Block 1

We began this block with a talk about how the human body is formed. In short, we have three major parts: head, trunk, and limbs. The basis for this discussion, and our first week of Man and Animal was the file Hovering Between Heaven and Earth.doc in the Grade 4 files on her Waldorfhomeeducators Yahoo…

Man and Animal – Block 2

I have some more artwork to share: Our second Man and Animal block focused on the three parts of ourselves… the thinking (eagle) self, the feeling (lion) self, and the willing (cow/bull) self…

Animal Tracks Match-Up

Ever since the groundhog announced that Spring would come early, we've been seeing a lot more snowfall. While I'm beyond ready for our thaw to begin and temps to rise, I have to admit, there's something magical about animal tracks in a newly fallen snow.

Waldorf - Ideen - Pool: Eine Ideen-Fundgrube

Eine Ideen-Fundgrube für LehrerInnen und ErzieherInnen. Viel Freude beim gezielten Suchen oder einfach nur beim Stöbern.

Gallery of Drawings

The purpose of this site is to offer support and inspiration to teachers doing chalkboard drawings in the Waldorf classroom.

Angela Koconda - Rotkehlchen im Frühling - 30 Jahre de Wullstuuv - die Wollstube - Filzen, Wolle und Naturwaren

Angela Koconda - Rotkehlchen im Frühling: Kunstpostkarte Rotkehlchen im Frühling von Angela Koconda.

Forjando la armadura

Antroposofía, meditación antroposófica, Waldorf, Rudolf Steiner, Calendario del alma.
