blackboard wilm u

by Evangeline Champlin 8 min read

Where can I log in to my computer at Wilmington University?

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Why choose wilmu for online education?

Wilmington University Graduates Receive Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. On Feb. 8, 2022, The White House announced the recipients of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching, two of which are Wilmington University alumnae: Brandi Luloff, instructional coach and mathematics teacher at Townsend …

Why work at wilmu?

Canvas Learning Management System. The Canvas LMS provides faculty and students with an intuitive, fast, and engaging online experience. Canvas allows users to access course materials, complete assignments, communicate and collaborate online. It has various tools for delivering learning content, engaging online learners, and measuring their ...

How do I log in to mywilmu as a student?

New to WilmU? Complete your admission process for access to myWilmU. Check Your Status. Summer Classes Begin May 9. Register Now. Log in to Contact Us if you need help. Contact & Visit (877) 967-5464 Send Email Hours Visit WilmU. Wilmington University 320 N. DuPont Hwy New Castle, DE 19720


Canvas Training, Resources, Support, and FAQs

The following resources have been created specifically for WilmU faculty and students.

All Users

Canvas Course Timeline - When instructors and students can see and access their courses in Canvas

Blackboard Organizations at Wilmington University

When you attend Wilmington University as an online student, there’s no need to feel left out of campus life. Through Blackboard, you can join a campus club or organization and participate online. Simply log on to Blackboard, and click the organizations tab at the top of the page.

Assignment Tips for Blackboard

Read all directions to the assignment and read carefully to meet assignment criteria

Campus Updates

Did you know that Spring Semester classes will start on Monday, January 9,2012? check out more important dates on the Academic Calendar Virtual Career Fair. You dont even have to leave your home to attend this event! All jobs are posted online to review from your own computer.

Blackboard 9.1 works best in Firefox version 3.6

Blackboard will work in other browsers but a few features may not function properly.

Blackboard 9.1 Known Issues and Resolutions

At the start of the summer semester of 2011, we upgraded the Blackboard system to version 9.1.

Blackboard 9.1 Known Issues

At the start of the summer semester of 2011, we upgraded the Blackboard system to version 9.1. Below is a list of currently known issues relevant to students. Click here if you would like to see the complete list.

Blackboard 9.1 works best in Firefox version 3.6

If you are using Explorer, Safari, Chrome, or Firefox 4.0, you should install Firefox version 3.6. Click here to read more about installing Firefox version 3.6.

Assignment Tips for Blackboard

Read all directions to the assignment and read carefully to meet assignment criteria

Campus Updates

Summer Block 2 classes begin on Monday, July 9th 2012. Check out more important dates on the Wilmington University Academic Calendar. Remember that online courses begin on a Monday and end on a Sunday.

Blackboard 9.1 Known Issues and Resolutions

At the start of the summer semester of 2011, we upgraded the Blackboard system to version 9.1.

Blackboard 9.1 Known Issues

At the start of the summer semester of 2011, we upgraded the Blackboard system to version 9.1. Below is a list of currently known issues relevant to students. Click here if you would like to see the complete list.
