blackboard utep help

by Miss Burdette Kshlerin 5 min read

Where can I find tech support at UTEP?

915-747-4357 (HELP) UTEP Directory: 915-747-5000 Email: [email protected] Chat: Chat Now Service Request: Submit a Request

How do I get help with blackboard?

We can help you with any technology related issue here on campus. 24/7 Blackboard Support We offer 24 hour Blackboard support for all UTEP students. The Service Request System You can log a formal request with the Help Desk to keep track of resolving a technology issue. Walk in any time the Technology Support Center is open,

What is the blackboard app for students?

We aim to help UTEP Faculty get the most out of Blackboard. Work on setting up or enhancing your Blackboard courses with us at Blackboard Central. UTEP Library Room 300 Virtual Office: Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, link below. Phone: (915) 747-5940 Email: [email protected] 24/7 Blackboard Support: (915) 747-4357 ENTER VIRTUAL OFFICE

What if my classes are not listed on Blackboard?

UTEP TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT. UTEP Library Room 300 | | 915-747-4357 (HELP)

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What type of help are you looking for? Student Instructor Administrator Looking for a mobile app for Blackboard Learn? Blackboard App for Students: Receive mobile updates about your courses, complete assessments, participate in discussions, join …


How to upload a document to Blackboard?

Click on the Blackboard icon. Click Courses. Find your course and click to open. Click Home Page in the course menu on the left (or open any content area). Hover over Build Content at the top and click File. In the Name field, type a name that will show in your course. Click Browse Computer and select the document you want to upload.

Can you use a blackboard in a class?

Blackboard is ready to be used in all classes. "Course Shells" are automatically available for all faculty at the beginning of each semester. To begin using Blackboard, log in at .

What type of help are you looking for?

Blackboard App for Students: Receive mobile updates about your courses, complete assessments, participate in discussions, join Collaborate sessions, and view your grades.

Looking for a mobile app for Blackboard Learn?

Blackboard App for Students: Receive mobile updates about your courses, complete assessments, participate in discussions, join Collaborate sessions, and view your grades.
