blackboard umaine grades

by Kenyon Fahey 9 min read

What is a passing grade at UMaine?

Undergraduate students may select a P/F grading option in any spring 2021 graduate (500/600) course. A minimum grade of C- is required for a pass at the undergraduate level, and a minimum grade of B- is required for a pass if the student intends to use the credit toward a graduate degree (e.g., in 4+1 programs).Mar 12, 2021

What is a failing grade at UMaine?

The F Grade--The F grade indicates failure in a course taken on a Pass/Fail basis. The I Grade--The I grade (incomplete) indicates that the decision on a final course grade has been postponed because work ordinarily expected to be completed by the end of the semester has not been finished.

Is UMaine a good school?

Within Maine, UMaine Offers Average Quality at a Great Price. University of Maine is ranked #7 out of #17 in Maine for quality and #1 out of #17 for Maine value. This makes it average quality for a very good price in the state.

What is an L grade?

L, Failure for lack of participation. This grade indicates that a student participated in less than 50% of the class, but did not formally withdraw from the course. This grade counts the same as an F.

What is a 60 grade in college?

Below is a grading system used by four different colleges in the United States....Grade conversion.Letter GradePercentageGPAB80–89%3.0C70–79%2.0D60–69%1.0F0–59%0.01 more row

What is the grading scale for Ultimate Medical Academy?

The Scale 4.0 and how it will affect your marks% numberLetter4.0 Scale93 to 100A4.090 to 92A-3.787 to 89B+3.383 to 86B3.08 more rows

What is the average GPA for UMaine?

3.29The average GPA at University of Maine is 3.29. This makes University of Maine Moderately Competitive for GPAs.

What is the acceptance rate for UMaine?

92.2% (2020)University of Maine / Acceptance rate

Is University of Maine prestigious?

We are Maine's R1 top-tier research university UMaine is the state's only public research university. Faculty, staff, and students conduct research in every county in Maine, across the nation, and on all continents and in oceans worldwide.

What is AC at Umaine?

Grading SystemA = 4.00B = 3.00C = 2.00A- = 3.67B- = 2.67C- = 1.67B+ = 3.33C+ = 2.33D+ = 1.33

What does E mean in grades?

E = the student has exceeded the grade level standard(s) M = the student has met the grade level standard(s) P = the student has partially met the grade level standard(s) D = the student did not meet the grade level standard(s)

What is a B+ in university?

A B+ letter grade is equivalent to a 3.3 GPA, or Grade Point Average, on a 4.0 GPA scale, and a percentage grade of 87–89.

What is Blackboard?

Blackboard is a web based course management system that makes the creation, organization, and management of course content on the web relatively simple. Blackboard enables instructors to provide students with course materials, discussion boards, virtual chat, online quizzes, and more.

How to log into Blackboard

Login with your ‘’ email username (the portion of your ‘’ email address to the left of the ‘@’ sign) at

Why do I not see all of my courses in Blackboard?

Not all instructors use Blackboard for their courses and you only have access to courses that have active Blackboard sites.

How do I remove previous semester courses from my course list?

Log into Blackboard and click on the My Courses edit icon. Uncheck the display boxes next to the course (s) you wish to suppress from view.

Can I use my mobile device to access Blackboard?

Yes, Bb mobile is provided free of charge. As an alternative, you can also navigate to using a browser on your mobile device.

How do I access my grades in Blackboard?

In the Tools module, select View Grades for the courses listed. Your instructor can control which grades, if any, are displayed here. If your grades do not display, contact your instructor.
