blackboard turning account

by Myles Schmeler III 3 min read

How do I connect my turning point to Blackboard?

1 Log into Blackboard.2 Click the Courses tab.3 Select the course with which you are using TurningPoint.4 Click Tools from the left menu.5 Click Turning Account Registration link .6 Enter your school or organization email address and click Create.8 Enter all required fields as noted by the asterisks.More items...

How do I cancel my turning point subscription?

Contact the Turning Technologies's Student Support line at 1-866-746-3015 or email [email protected] 1, 2021

What is the session ID for Turning Point?

Session IDs can be randomly generated each time TurningPoint Mobile is enabled, or you can choose to reserve a Session ID, so it remains the same for every session. Session IDs may be between 4 and 14 alpha or numeric characters and must contain at least one letter.

How much is a turning technologies subscription?

Subscriptions for Turning Technologies accounts can be purchased in the following increments: One-year subscription - $24.99. Two-year subscription - $35.99. Five-year subscription - $48.99.Aug 11, 2020

How long is a term for Turning Point subscription?

5. On the next screen, click the blue “Go purchase a subscription” link, which will direct you to the purchasing page. You can purchase a subscription for: 1-term (6 months) , 1-year , or 5-year. You will use Turning Point responses in both CH101 and CH102, so we recommend at least the 1-year option.

How do I change my turning point email?

1 Sign in to your Turning Account.2 Select Profile from the left menu.3 Click Change Email below your email address at the top of the screen.4 Enter the new email address in the area provided and click Send Verification.

How do I join a Turning Point session?

Logging into a TurningPoint App SessionOpen TurningPoint App on your device. ... Select Sign In.Enter the Email and Password associated with your account and tap Sign In.Enter the Session ID provided by your instructor in the Enter Session ID field.Tap Join Session.More items...

Can you use turning point without a subscription?

The TurningPoint app is free to download. However, you will need to purchase a subscription to use TurningPoint app and/or the clicker in class. The same license can be used with a clicker and/or TurningPoint app.Jun 15, 2021

How do you use a turning point clicker?

How to Use TurningPoint MobileClick Sign In.Enter your Turning Account login and password, and click Sign In.Enter the session ID provided by your instructor, and click Join Session.Enter your username and select Submit. ... Wait for a question to appear, and select the letter corresponding to the correct answer.More items...•Aug 2, 2021

How do I purchase a turning point subscription?

1) Go to and sign in (alternatively, you can sign in by going to your Canvas course, clicking on Modules, and then clicking on Turning Technologies Account Registration link). 2) Under Subscriptions, click on Purchase Subscription.

How much does turning point app cost?

freeDoes it cost to download the TurningPoint app? The TurningPoint app is free to download.Jun 15, 2021

How do I register my Turning Technologies clicker?

How do I setup my Turning Technologies (Clickers) Account?Log in to Blackboard and select your course.Click Turning Technologies Account Registration Link under Tools and click Launch if prompted. ... Enter your ASU ASURITE email address in the area provided.Click Create Account.Check your email.More items...