"blackboard"+"tools"+"web 2.0"

by Jody Feeney III 9 min read

What are considered Web 2.0 tools?

Familiar examples of Web 2.0 sites and tools include wikis and blogs (PBworks and WordPress), social networking sites (Facebook and Twitter), image and video hosting sites (Flicker and YouTube), and applications to generate Web content for education, business, and social purposes (Wikipedia, Weebly, and Instagram).

What are the tools in Blackboard?

In the list where your name appears, select Tools to access the global functions that are outside a course. The cross-course Blackboard tools you're familiar with are available on the Tools page, such as the Content Collection, goals, enterprise surveys, and portfolios.

Where is the Tools menu in Blackboard?

1. The Course Management menu is located on the lower left menu bar on the Course Home Page. The course management menu provides instructors with tools to create, manage and modify the course. Files, Course Tools, Evaluation, Grade Center, Users and Groups, Customization, Packages and Utilities, and Help are available.

Is Google a Web 2.0 tool?

Web 2.0 examples include hosted services (Google Maps),Web applications ( Google Docs, Flickr), Video sharing sites (YouTube), wikis (MediaWiki), blogs (WordPress), social networking (Facebook), folksonomies (Delicious), Microblogging (Twitter), podcasting (Podcast Alley) & content hosting services and many more.May 13, 2016

Where are course Tools in Blackboard Ultra?

In the Ultra experience, most tools appear in these areas: Tools page in the base navigation. Inside a course....Manage toolsInstitution Page.Profile.Activity Stream.Calendar.Messages.Grades.

How do I add tools to Blackboard?

Adding Tools to the Course MenuMake sure Edit Mode is ON.Click the (plus sign) icon above the Course Menu.Select the Tool Link.Enter a Name for the link.From the Type drop-down list, select the tool to add.Select whether the tool will be Available to Users.Click Submit.

How do I view course menu in Blackboard?

The course menu appears in a list view, which displays only the top level of course materials. You can choose buttons or text for your links. Select the Display Course Menu in New Window icon to view the course materials as a directory tree in a new window.

How do I move a course tool on blackboard?

Ensure the Edit Mode is ON, found at the top-right of your course window.Click the arrow to the right side of item/folder name. [ ... Select Copy or Move. [ ... Use the Destination Course drop down menu to select the course you would like to copy or move the item or folder to. [ ... Click the Destination Folder Browse button. [More items...

How do I link to a blackboard page?

How to add a Course Link within your Blackboard courseEdit Mode. Check that Edit Mode is turned ON. ... Content Area. Choose the Content Area into which you wish to add your course link. ... Course Link. ... Browse. ... The Browse Window. ... Link Information. ... Options. ... Click on Submit.More items...

What is Web 2.0 Discuss different types of Web 2.0 applications?

Examples of Web 2.0 features include social networking sites or social media sites (e.g., Facebook), blogs, wikis, folksonomies ("tagging" keywords on websites and links), video sharing sites (e.g., YouTube), image sharing sites (e.g., Flickr), hosted services, Web applications ("apps"), collaborative consumption ...

Are slides Web 2.0 tools?

Google Docs Google Documents, Sheets, and Slides are parts of a free, web-based software office suite powered by Google.

Is Web 2.0 an email?

E-mail Is Part of Web 2.0.Jul 23, 2007