blackboard tiibb_direct_25 war file

by Ms. Josefa Thiel III 7 min read

Where can I download Blackboard?

Students can download the Blackboard App from the iTunes Store or Google Play. Open the app store on your device and search for 'Blackboard App.' Install and open the app and search for Trinity College Dublin. Staff can download the Blackboard Instructor app from the iOS or Google Play app stores.

What is a cookie on a blackboard?

Cookies are small functions placed on your computer by Blackboard. They collect and store data that you input into our application. When you select Agree & Continue, you accept cookies from Blackboard, as well as how we collect, store, and use the data you add in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Centre.

Is Internet Explorer supported by Blackboard?

Internet Explorer is no longer supported by Blackboard and you will encounter issues accessing content, uploading files or using the different tools available in Blackboard; please try Chrome or Firefox instead. Click here to view a list of supported browsers and versions.

Latest Deviations

This story is out of place since it is past all the deep snows, but I cannot with hold the part of King Sombra on Sodor to help conclude the raging snows on Sodor. I am going to conclude the month of February with the final story of the ranging snows saga. March is on the way and so is spring. Yay.


Hello everyone, bad news as word about a 1987 sitcoms dad Bob Sagat of full house has died of unknown causes. I will like to say farewell Danny tanner we will miss you and your fun nature on American funniest videos.
