blackboard support request kbcc

by Lauriane Hand 9 min read

What is blackboard?

After Hours Blackboard Support . The after hours Blackboard support coverage is available: Weeknights — from 8:00pm to 8:00am the next morning Weekends — from 8:00pm Friday night to 8:00am Monday morning . What IS/IS NOT Covered by After Hours Blackboard Support . After hours Blackboard support is focused on helping students and faculty use ...

How do I contact blackboard support?

Academic Scheduling. College Advancement. Monthly Campus Updates. Office of Communications and Marketing. Continuing Education and Workforce Development. Free Workforce Training Programs. Vice President for Workforce Development, Continuing Education and Strategic Partnerships. Monthly Campus Updates. Diversity/Affirmative Action.

Do I need a cunyfirst account to use blackboard?

Mar 17, 2022 · 8. IT Helpdesk – Kingsborough Community College – CUNY. Create a Helpdesk Ticket. For assistance, contact the student Helpdesk L-106 or e-mail:[email protected] or phone 718-368-6679. Faculty & … 9. Contact – Kingsborough Community College – CUNY. …

What is the customer support portal?

Jan 12, 2022 · Blackboard is an on-line course management system which provides off-campus access to course materials, assignments and class discussions. REMOTE.


What is KBCC email address?

Faculty and Staff Help Desk: for assistance, contact the Helpdesk e-mail: [email protected] phone 718-368-6679.

How do I log into my KBCC email?

some versions of Android. Type your KBCC Student Email Address and password, and then select Sign In. Retrieved Size: No Limit, Calendar Sync Period: Always Stay Synced, Tap Done. Email or leave it as your full KBCC Student Email address.

How do I contact Kingsborough Community College?

Call us during our remote office hours....PHONE.Information Hotline 718-368-5052Registration Office 718-368-5050Thursday9:00am – 8:00pm9:30am – 4:30pm*Friday9:00am – 2:00pm9:30am – 4:30pm5 more rows

Is KBCC accredited?

Accreditation. Kingsborough Community College is fully accredited and approved by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE).

What is CUNY email password?

What are my CUNY Login account credentials (username and password)? If you are a CUNY student and/or employee, your CUNY Login account username will be in the format [email protected], where “NN” is the last 2+ digits of your CUNY EMPLID.

How do I get a Kingsborough ID?

When you first register as a student or commence employment at Kingsborough, the Department of Public Safety will issue a photo identification card to you. Faculty and Staff identification will be issued an identification card by presenting a letter of employment from the Human Resources office.

How do I access my Kingsborough student email?

You can use 24 hours a day 7 days a week, on or off campus. Click on Webmail, then click on LOGIN TO YOUR EMAIL: STUDENTS ONLY and type in your student email username and password above.

How do I register for classes at Kingsborough?

To register for an online course, you need to call the Registration Help Center at 718-368-6551.

What is Kingsborough Community College known for?

We offer over 50 academic programs of study including Liberal Arts, Business, Criminal Justice, Nursing, and majors you won't find anywhere else in CUNY like our Maritime Technology program, and our Polysomnographic (Sleep) Technology program, which studies sleep-related disorders.

Does Kingsborough have dorms?

KCC does not offer housing or meal plans. However, they do report that books and supplies typically costs about $1,364. Discover the average anticipated charges of off-campus housing and additional expenses at Kingsborough Community College in the following table.

Does Kingsborough offer a bachelor's degree?

The CUNY Baccalaureate Degree for Unique and Interdisciplinary Studies. ... Students also complete the Program's liberal arts core distribution and other degree requirements.