blackboard south plains collge

by Brenna Kuhn 4 min read

How do I login to South Plains College blackboard?

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How do I sign in to blackboard from the SPC homepage?

South Plains College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Vice President for Student Affairs, South Plains College 1401 College Avenue, Box 5, Levelland, TX ...

What kind of programs does South Plains College offer?

Blackboard About SPC To help you learn how to use tools, design their courses, and assess students, Blackboard provides a wide variety of short video tutorials. These videos are organized by topic into playlists on YouTube. Blackboard Help online for instructors also contains a search tool to help you locate the exact help that you need.

How do I login to blackboard as a student?

PSYC 2301 - General Psychology. MATH 1324 – Math for Business. 7 p.m. PSYC 2314 – Lifespan Growth & Dev. ENGL1302 – Composition II. MATH 1314 – College Algebra. At the SPC Reese Center campus, Evening College classes for Arts and Sciences will be the hybrid format and will offer classes at 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. one night per week.


What is a blog N?

Blogs#N#Blogs are an open communication tool for students to share their thoughts with others in the course, including the instructor. Blogs can be used to post resources to share, post assignments, or collaborate in group discussions. Blogs are archived monthly or weekly and old posts can be viewed.

What is my SPC tab?

The “My SPC” Tab#N#“My SPC” is the initial page a student views after logging into Blackboard. The “My SPC” common area contains tools, modules, and information specific to each user and aggregated from each course the student is enrolled.

How to log into SPC?

To sign in from the SPC homepage: 1 Go to the SPC homepage at 2 Click the Login To menu and select Blackboard 3 Enter your SPC ID (not the entire email address) and Password 4 Click the Log In button

What is blackboard in school?

Instructional Technology. Blackboard is a web-based course management software used by instructors to build and manage their online classes. Blackboard can be accessed by logging into the MySPC portal or going directly to
