
by Mr. Anthony Kling 5 min read

How do I get on Blackboard?

Blackboard | CSCC Digital Education and Instructional Services Blackboard Blackboard is the primary tool the College uses for online learning. Blackboard is our Learning Management System, and all course sections have their own Blackboard course shell.

How do I log into Blackboard?

Students go to: or to the Blackboard link at the top of the CSCC website homepage. They will log in using their CSCC username and password and if they are enrolled in a CSCC course, they will automatically be assigned as a “User” in the course, and the name of the course will appear on their Blackboard portal.

Why to use blackboard?

Even when circumstances change, your goals don’t have to! Columbus State is creating a new kind of learning experience that delivers classes and holistic student support remotely so you can learn on through COVID-19 and any other challenge life throws at you. It’s what we do – provide exceptional education and student support in person, at a distance, or combination of both.

What are the uses of Blackboard?

A community college in Columbus, Ohio. You can earn a two-year technical degree, or complete the first two years of your bachelor's degree. We also offer noncredit training, ESL and other services. With an open enrollment policy and the lowest tuition cost in the area, Columbus State is where the world is going.


What is a blackboard?

What is Blackboard? Blackboard is Columbus State Community College’s online course management system. Every CSCC course is automatically given its own space in Blackboard called a “shell.”. There are two types of Blackboard shells: a “live” shell that will house the actual active course for students; and a “developmental” shell ...

Why do faculty use blackboard?

Faculty are required to use Blackboard, as all courses are being taught remotely now. Blackboard can be useful to enhance the teaching and learning process. In addition to housing the syllabus and grades, Blackboard is a repository for course information such as: textbook information, course calendar, faculty contact information, ...

How to upload a video to Blackboard?

Click on the My Media tab at the top of the Blackboard Learn site. Click on the Add New button. Select Media Upload. Drag and drop your video file or click Choose a file to upload to select the video file from the File Upload prompt. While the video is uploading, scroll down to complete the details about your video:

What is Kaltura Media?

The Kaltura Media tool is a video platform that lets you upload original videos to submit in Blackboard. You can attach the videos to Assignment submissions, share the videos through Discussion Boards, Blogs, Journals, and even submit videos for Exams.

Latest Updates

Student instruction and services will remain primarily remote for the Summer 2021 semester. Exceptions will be made for in-person instruction and support when remote options are insufficient. More information will be shared about expansion of in-person support as we get closer to the semester start.

Our Guiding Principles

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Columbus State identified the guiding principles of health and safety, compassion and flexibility, and clear communication. The College will continue to follow those guiding principles as we move forward. The well-being of our students, faculty, and staff is of paramount importance.
