blackboard showcase

by Bethel Weber 5 min read

What is the new showcase blackboard site?

Aug 20, 2015 · In this workshop participants will have an overview of our Learning Management System: Blackboard. Badge:Blackboard Showcase. Workshop Leader: Dr. Addy Tolliver

How do I login to blackboard as a single user?

Log in to Blackboard; Select the Courses tab at the top; Click on Beyond Distance; Scroll down until you find BDX005; Click the down arrow and select Enrol . Learning Technologies at Leicester will now appear in the list of courses on which you are enrolled.

Does blackboard support single sign on (SSO)?

Blackboard has many products. Let us help you find what you need. Find My Product


Login to Blackboard

If you have trouble Logging into Blackboard, please be sure to clear your browser cache for All Time and then restart your computer. But please be sure you follow all of the steps in the Instructions on the IT Clear Cache Page. After you restart your computer and go to, you should see a login screen like this:

Login Troubles

An easy troubleshooting technique is to clear your cache closing out of your browser and then trying to log back in. More steps can be found on IT pages.
