blackboard sda bocconi

by Fred Wilkinson 4 min read

The SDA Bocconi International Excellence

TRIPLE CROWN SDA Bocconi is one of the few Business Schools in the world to have received all three of these prestigious accreditations, which are awarded by some of the most important international organizations.

Life in Milano

What an incredible experience in San Francisco with #gemba and SDA Bocconi! Thanks to Richard ...

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Is SDA Bocconi a business school?

SDA Bocconi is one of the few Business Schools in the world to have received all three of these prestigious accreditations, which are awarded by some of the most important international organizations.


The university library is located in Via Gobbi 5 and is accessible with a valid SDA Bocconi student ID card. For more information on library services and on how to consult books and publications, check indications on your Elearning platform, Blackboard


Upon the presentation of a valid student ID card (badge), SDA Bocconi Master participants can benefit from special conditions at the Egea Bookstore (including a 5% discount on most Italian language books)


The WIFI network Bocconi-studenti is available on Campus for all Master program participants. To access, just use your Bocconi network credentials (username and password for Blackboard and email)


SDAB Life is the school’s App and it allows you to live your SDA Bocconi experience to the fullest. It will keep you up to date on news, events, and activities and can be personalized. Once downloaded on your device, you can access a dedicated section with your wifi credentials where you can:
