blackboard scrawl

by Sigmund Pouros Sr. 5 min read

1. Starting off with a Simpsons reference

Instead of diving right in with Jedis and Jawas, The Force Awakens from its Nap hits us first with a deep-cut Simpsons nod.

2. One for the nerds

There's a lot going on in this image, including the Mandalorian jetpacks on the wall, the disassembled C-3P0 playbox, and the distinctly Tatooinian design of the sand-colored block building on the floor. But my eyes were immediately drawn to the blackboard scrawl, a Simpsons staple.

3. The most adorable class pet

Do you see it? Right behind Marge's back we see the class pet: A miniaturized Imperial AT-AT walker living inside a hamster cage, exercise wheel and all. It's not a model, either. If you watch this moment carefully, you'll see that our mini AT-AT is very much "alive" (I mean, it's still a cartoon) and mobile.

5. Rules of play

As Maggie duels with Gerald Samson-as-Darth Maul, their struggle passes through the school's indoor playground. If you look carefully after Maggie slips down the twisty slide, you'll see the Jabba Hut's playground rules posted on the wall.

6. Darth Potato

Most people who went through grade school are familiar with the simple science project where you stick a bunch of toothpicks into a potato, half-submerge it into water, and wait for it to sprout. Here we see one such project starting to bloom inside an overturned Darth Vader helmet.

7. Disney just flexing

Is that a Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarves reference in this Star Wars x Simpsons mash-up short? You bet your wholesome ass it is. What purpose does it serve? None whatsoever. It's simply a reminder.

8. Life in Hell in Star Wars in Simpsons

Buried in the shattered remains of the shelving our aforementioned Seven Dwarves statues once called home is a stuffed white rabbit toy. That's not just any stuffed rabbit, though. Long before his show became a global sensation, The Simpsons creator Matt Groening got his start as a comic book guy.
