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In order to teach online courses, faculty must also complete the Distance Learning Training (DLT). To access Blackboard Go to https://bb.schoolcraft.edu Click the Log In button Enter your Schoolcraft Network ID as the username (e.g., a0123456) and the corresponding password as the Blackboard password. Schoolcraft College
Welcome to the Blackboard e-Education platform-- designed to enable educational innovations everywhere by connecting people and technology. User Login. ALL COURSES ARE NOW USING THE NEW BLACKBOARD LEARN SYSTEM LOCATED AT: http://bb.schoolcraft.edu. BLACKBOARD 8 DUE TO BE DECOMMISSIONED AT THE END OF THE WINTER TERM!
Friday mornings from 7:00am - 11:00am are reserved for system maintenance as needed. The Blackboard system may become unavailable for periods of time between these hours.
How do I log in to Blackboard? Once you arrive at the Blackboard home page, type in your Schoolcraft username in the “username” box and your password (the one that corresponds with your Schoolcraft account) in the “password” box. Then click on the Login button.
Schoolcraft is a publicly funded community college with tuition and fees that are much lower than those at four-year colleges and universities and competitive with those at nearby community colleges.
Login Information Username = first initial of your first name followed by your 7-digit student ID#. Password = your full first name with the first letter uppercase followed by your 7-digit student ID#. If you are unable to login please contact the Answer Center at 734-462-4426.
Schoolcraft College. Transcript Request Form.MAIL TRANSCRIPT Schoolcraft College. FAX TRANSCRIPT (734) 462-4506. ... SEND TRANSCRIPT: (Check only one box)Now. ... (indicate course)SEND TRANSCRIPT TO:To the address above (student copy) ... (Official copies are not released or mailed to students under any circumstances.)More items...
a 3.5 gpaYou have been accepted as a student at Schoolcraft College. You have a 3.5 gpa— 12 credits at the college level or a recent graduating high school gpa of 3.5. The gpa requirement must be met at time of application and must be maintained throughout the program.
Schoolcraft College has an open door admissions policy, and there is no application or admission fee. Whether you're a first time student, transfer student, high school dual enrolled student, or other type, we're excited to support you!
Schoolcraft Mail Email is our only form of communication for financial aid, registration, waitlisting, and other important college information. All messages will be sent to your Schoolcraft College provided email account. All credit students will be assigned a SCmail account within 24 hours of applying for admission.
Your default password is your first name followed by your 7-digit student number. Note: Your Blackboard, Schoolcraft Wireless, and SCmail passwords are the same.
Schoolcraft College is a public community college in Livonia, Michigan. It also has a satellite campus in Garden City, Michigan.
There are three ways you can transfer in your credits to Schoolcraft College:Transfer in College Credit. Courses from Another College.Transfer In Exams. Advanced Placement and CLEP Exams.Transfer in High School Work. High School Career or Technical Courses.