blackboard portuguese

by Josianne Weimann 3 min read

What does BBB mean in Portuguese?

Better Business Bureau(= Better Business Bureau) organização de defesa ao consumidor.

What does OK mean Portuguese?

está bemEuropean Portuguese: está bem! Romanian: OK! Russian: хорошо! Latin American Spanish: ¡okey!

What pica means in Portuguese?

In Portugal, pica is a standard term for an injection. An injection of course will give you a prick, which is what the word can mean in Brazilian Portuguese – pica is often used as a comedic term for a man's most personal device.Jul 10, 2020

What does GG mean in Portuguese?

1. " good game", IT, colloquial. bom jogo {m}

How do you say sorry in Brazil?

'Desculpa' means 'sorry' and is used when you bump into someone or say something wrong. If someone has bad news, you wouldn't say 'desculpa' in this context, but 'me sinto muito' which means 'sorry' in English with a literal translation of 'I feel a lot. '

How do you say goodnight in Portugese?

Good night in Portuguese – Boa noite!Aug 29, 2019

What does Braba mean in Brazil?

furious, annoyed Synonyms: furioso, irado, raivoso, enraivecido, bravo. prone to irritation, easily angered, bad-tempered, choleric Synonyms: genioso, irritadiço, bravo.

What does Rapariga mean in Brazil?

prostituteIn Portugal rapariga means 'girl' but in Brazil it sounds more like 'concubine' or even 'prostitute'.

What does Pika mean in Spanish slang?

Pica most often means something that bites, like chile picante, something that stimulates your appetite, and makes you want to come back for more. It is also can be used for some one who bothers other people, which is a picaro.

What does GG mean in Imessage games?

“Good Game” GG means “good game.” In multiplayer competitive games, GG is used as a mark of sportsmanship and an acknowledgment that you had fun while battling against your opponents.May 8, 2020