blackboard pay box

by Rosamond Sawayn 8 min read

WebLearn decommissioning update - December 2021

WebLearn will be essentially closed in July 2022 - please move away from using WebLearn as soon as possible

What should I use instead of WebLearn?

This depends on what you are using WebLearn for. This WebLearn Overview page lists the most common uses of WebLearn, with suggested alternatives.

What's happening next?

The first step we are taking to limit use of WebLearn is to withdraw the following features:

British drag-racing, 1960s-1970s

This is not a personal home page. I set it up to share a specialized topic for relatively few people world-wide: BriSCA "Stock-car racing" as the phrase has applied in Britain since 1954, and the early days of drag racing in Britain.

Plus one whole page on

Do you have a vintage stocks or drags photo or story you'd like to contribute?