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Palm Beach State College; Current Students; Students. ACADEMIC ADVISING: MyPBSC APP: REGISTER FOR CLASSES: IMPORTANT DATES: CAREER PATHWAYS: FINANCIAL AID: CONTINUING EDUCATION: TRANSCRIPTS: Spring Tuition Payment Plan Now Available | Learn More. Get access to everything you need in one place!
eLearning Department. Faculty Support/Assistance: Web | Email | Voicemail 561-868-3762. Canvas Administrator (Anne Guiler) LMS Operation & Online Course Availability: Email | Voicemail 352-978-8882. Eva Cruz Pedraz, eLearning Coordinator: Email | Voicemail 561-862-4725. Sidney Beitler, Director: Email | Voicemail 561-862-4782.
For Blackboard issues contact E-learning at: Email: [email protected] Phone: 561-868-3303; Online Help Form; For other issues, contact the …
Manages the Learning Management System (Blackboard Learn), provides assistance with online course development, provides LMS and online teaching/learning workshops and training, and ensures quality of distance learning course structure and delivery.
Mission Statement. To promote student success in online courses by preparing students to learn online, assisting with course navigation, and troubleshooting technical issues related to online courses.
The remote/online hours for CSA will be Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Here is the contact information for each campus: Contact information per campus is listed below.
Test scores are valid for two years from the date the test was taken. If ACT or SAT scores do not meet the state-designated minimums, Non-Exempt students must retest or take PERT for placement. The fee for the first PERT, TABE or LOEP exam taken at Palm Beach State is included in the application fee.
The Center for Student Accessibility ( CSA) will provide information and advising appointments to students via email, Skype conference call, or Skype online video meetings. Skype communication will be coordinated between students and advisors or managers. When students are contacting CSA, they should have their student id number available ...
To calculate your grade point average (GPA) manually, you need to consider the number of units that each class is worth and the grades that were received for those classes. Then multiply the number of units in each course by the point value corresponding to the letter grade you earned. Remote Learning.
A prerequisite is a course (or equivalent skills or prior experience) that a student must successfully pass (or possess) before enrolling in the more advanced course. A corequisite is a course that a student must take together with a specific course (e.g., a science course with an associated lab).
Students may not enroll for credit in a course (or prerequisite) for which they have successfully completed a higher-level course in the same logical sequence. Students may be allowed to pre-register for the next term for a higher-level course while they are currently enrolled in the prerequisite course.