blackboard owens

by Mrs. Helga Erdman Jr. 5 min read

How do I take online assessments in Owens blackboard?

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What is blackboard and how do I access it?

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Why work at Owens?

Blackboard is an Internet-based software program that the College uses to deliver the majority of its web courses as well as to supplement and enhance on-campus courses. Each course at Owens Community College has a Blackboard site and even if you’re taking an on-campus course, your instructor may ask that you use the Blackboard course […]

How do I contact Owens e-learning technical support?

Blackboard (Student) Help, I'm having trouble taking tests using Blackboard. How do I access Blackboard? How do I find information or downloads for Browsers, Browser Plug-ins and other technologies needed for online classes? How do I remove old classes from my Course List in …


What is a blackboard?

Blackboard is the College’s learning management system and is used for the majority of online courses at Owens. Blackboard course sites become available to students on the morning of first day of the start date for your course, unless the instructor chooses to open the course early.

What is web / online course?

Web / Online courses are a rigorous form of instruction geared for motivated and organized students who are comfortable using a computer and various software applications. When taking an online course, you will be able to access your class content any time of the day or night in a secure, password-protected online environment.

What is hybrid online?

Hybrid – Hybrid online courses are a combination of both the face-to-face and online requirements.

Student Technical Support

Blackboard Technical Support – If you are experiencing technical difficulties with Blackboard, you can contact the Owens IT Help Desk at (567) 661-7120 or [email protected]


The links below will direct you to free software from sources outside of Owens Community College. Even though these sources are familiar and trusted, the College cannot be responsible for any issues related to the downloading, installation, and use of these products.

Student Academic Resources

Owens Library – Library’s website. Includes access to OneSearch, databases, eReserves, eBooks, and all library resources.
