blackboard not showing response

by Mr. Dorcas Greenholt 9 min read

How do you see responses on Blackboard?

How do I view Blackboard survey results?From the Control Panel click on Full Grade Center in the Grade Center section.Click on the action menu in the survey name column heading.Click on Attempts Statistics to view the results and any comments.Aug 3, 2013

Why is my test not showing up in Blackboard?

Test Not Showing at "Display After (date)" The most common reason for a link to a test not showing up for students when it should is that the test is set to a 'Display After (date)" but the option for making the link available is set to NO. When the date arrives, the link for the test will not display.

How do I see student feedback on Blackboard?

To select Result and Feedback options, go to a content area and locate a deployed test. Click the chevron next to the test name and select Edit the Test Options. In the section titled Show Test Results and Feedback to Students on the Test Options screen, you will see the available options.

Why is Blackboard saying my question is unanswered?

Note: If you try submitting without saving the answer to a question(s), Blackboard will notify you of the unanswered question(s); be sure to go back and answer them. 5. Confirm the submission, and then click OK at the bottom right corner of the following screen to view results.

How do I reopen a test in Blackboard?

Under Membership, click Browse Then find the student(s) you wish to give access to the test again. Click Submit when finished to add that student to the adaptive release. Click Submit on the adaptive release screen to complete the adaptive release process.

How long does it take for courses to show up on Blackboard?

It takes 24 hours for student courses to reflect in Blackboard. For your information, if you have registered for the course in the past day, please give the system 24 hours to add you into the Blackboard course.Jan 15, 2021

How do I respond to feedback on Blackboard?

How do I reply to submission comments in the Inbox as a student?Open Inbox. In Global Navigation, click the Inbox link.Open Submission Comments. Click the Inbox filter [1] and select the Submission Comments option [2].Select Submission Comment. ... View Comment.

How do I save a test in Blackboard?

Hover over the test in the list you wish to export and click the chevron button next to the test. Select the option from the menu that appears labeled Export. You will then be asked to save the file to your computer, so select a location that is easily accessible. The test will be saved as a .Aug 13, 2018

Does Blackboard save your answers?

Do… Be aware that Blackboard does not save your essay answers as you type them. If your Instructor allows, type your answers to essay questions first in a plain-text editor, such as Notepad or Vim, and then transfer it to the test window to avoid losing your work if you lose your Internet connection.

How do I clear attempts on Blackboard?

Hover over the cell and click on the contextual menu on the right side of the cell. Then select the View Grade Details from the drop-down menu. On the following page, click on the Clear Attempt button or Allow Additional Attempt. Clearing the attempt will completely remove the student's first attempt.