MassBay staff members are available to answer questions and offer real-time virtual support on a wide range of topics:
Our academic advising team looks forward to assisting you! We are providing 100% virtual academic advising through our Zoom Virtual Advising Center (VAC). Please first visit our webpage for the VAC’s list of services. hours of operation, and contact information:
The Academic Achievement Center is open virtually and ready to support students. Join the staff of the AAC during their virtual open hours to make an appointment to meet with a Learning Specialist or Peer Tutor, to take an exam, to drop-in for extra help, to meet with your study group or ask about our services:
To be accepted into MassBay nursing, you need to achieve required scores on the TEAS test!
To be accepted into MassBay nursing, you need to achieve required scores on the TEAS test!