blackboard make available to students

by Pink Langworth DVM 6 min read

Option one:

  • Log into Blackboard Learn and enter the course.
  • In the top right corner, find a Padlock icon.
  • If the course is unavailable for students, you will see this red padlock icon.
  • If the course is open for students, you will see this grey padlock icon.
  • To change the availability for students. Click the Padlock icon, this will toggle your availability instantly.

Log into Blackboard Learn and enter the course. In the Course Management menu under Customization, click Properties. Under Set Availability, check the radio button next to "Yes" for Make Course Available. Click the Submit button.

Full Answer

How do students access Blackboard courses?

Make a Course Available to Students | Blackboard Help Make a Course Available to Students About course availability A course must be made available before students enrolled in the course can view or access the course and its content.

How to enroll students in a Blackboard course?

Set course availability You can set your course availability in the Control Panel. Control Panel > Customization > Properties > Set Availability In the Set Availability section, select Yes or No. Use Term Availability only appears if your administrator added your course to a term.

How to create and add a course on Blackboard?

From the Blackboard Home screen, navigate to the Tools module on the left side of the screen and click the “Qwickly (Faculty/TA’s)” link, Click “Course Availability”, Click “ ON ” to allow students to access the course, or. Click “ OFF ” for each course you want to “hide” from students.

How to put your course on Blackboard?

Dec 14, 2020 · Blackboard: Making an Exam Available. Step-by-step instructions for making exams available to students in a Blackboard course. Exams can be built in Blackboard or imported from programs such as Respondus Exam tool or Test Generator. All exams (tests, quizzes, surveys, and question pools) that exist in a Blackboard course are in the Control Panel …


Why does my class say not currently available on Blackboard?

If the link to your course name is not active and it says "unavailable" or "not currently available" next to the name, it means your instructor has not yet made the course available to students. Please contact your instructor to find out if/when it will be made available. Not all instructors use Blackboard.Sep 14, 2018

How do I make students unavailable on blackboard?

Click the contextual arrow next to the Username of the student whom you want to make 2. unavailable in the course. Select Change User's Availability in the Course.

What does available mean in Blackboard?

About course availability Blackboard administrators, instructors, course builders, teaching assistants, and graders can see and access unavailable courses from the My Courses tab and the course list, but they're marked as unavailable. Students can't access unavailable courses regardless of the course duration.

What does User unavailable mean in Blackboard?

Checking the Icon Legend, Kelly learns that the null symbol means User Unavailable. Kelly wants to remove this student from her view in the Grade Center. While the Blackboard Grade Center won't allow an instructor to "delete" a student, any student can be "hidden."

Can you block people on Blackboard?

Block: You can block individual users. You'll no longer show up in the blocked person's network, and the blocked person will no longer show up in your network.

What does user availability mean?

Availability, in the context of a computer system, refers to the ability of a user to access information or resources in a specified location and in the correct format.Dec 15, 2016

How do I change my status on blackboard?

Access your Blackboard organization and under Users and Groups in the Control Panel click “Users”. Mouse over the username and click the Downward-facing Chevron to access the menu for a specific user. Select “Change User's Role in Organization.”

Instructions for USC Instructors Using Qwickly (current semester courses)

From the Blackboard Home screen, navigate to the Tools module on the left side of the screen and click the “Qwickly (Faculty/TA’s)” link,

Instructions for USC Instructors NOT Using Qwickly (current semester courses)

Locate the course you want to make available/unavailable on your My Courses list and click the link of the course ID.

Instructions for USC Instructors NOT Using Qwickly (while in current semester course)

From inside the course you wish to make available to students, in the upper right corner of the course, locate “lock” icon.

Instructions for USC Teaching Assistants

Under My Courses on the Home tab, click the name of the “NOT AVAILABLE” course that you want your students to be able to access.

About Course Availability

ITS automatically creates a Blackboard course for every course that is listed in the Schedule of Classes. All Blackboard courses are automatically hidden from students.

How to change course availability on Blackboard?

In either view, open the course card's menu to change the course availability by clicking the three horizontal dots. Click the three horizontal dots (course menu) to change course availability. Click "Open course".

What does "unavailable" mean in Blackboard?

"Unavailable" means that an instructor has access to the course, but students will not be able to enter the course. Instructors have to make the course "available" to allow students access to the Blackboard Learn course. There are three options to make your Blackboard Learn course available:
