blackboard machine select

by Mr. Jarod Kiehn 4 min read

How do I change audio output in Blackboard?

To change your output device, click the switch icon in the Select Audio Output Device pop-up window. Make your changes in the Sound Output window. Close the window and continue with the wizard.

How do I change the speaker on Blackboard Collaborate?

Blackboard Collaborate Web Conferencing uses the system's current speaker device. To select a different device, change the system default under System Preferences, Sound panel, Output tab. Blackboard Collaborate will use that newly selected device the next time you join a session.

How do I get my microphone to work on Blackboard Collaborate?

Set up your audio and videoOpen My Settings. Select your profile pictures and select your name. ... Select Set Up your Camera and Microphone.Choose the microphone you want to use. Collaborate tells you that you sound great when it is receiving your audio. ... Choose the camera you want to use.

Why is my sound not working on Blackboard Collaborate?

Ensure that the correct audio device (speakers) is selected. Ensure that sound volume on the computer is not muted or set really low. Ensure that sound volume on the desired audio output device (e.g., speakers or headset) is not muted or set really low. ... Try playing a YouTube video to see if there is sound.Apr 23, 2020

How do I see everyone on Blackboard Collaborate?

Select the “Attendees” Icon from the Collaborate Panel to view the all of the participants in the session. Attendees have microphone and camera settings in the same location as your own (at the bottom of the screen).

How do I turn off the sound on Blackboard Collaborate?

Click the Talk button to turn on the microphone. A microphone icon will appear in the Participants panel, the Talk button will display with a visual indicator and the microphone level slider will move up and down as the volume of your speech changes. Click the button again to turn off the microphone.

How do I open my mic on blackboard?

Use the microphone and camera icons along the bottom of the main stage or content presentation area. With your keyboard, press Alt + M to turn your microphone on and off.

Does Blackboard Collaborate use camera?

Select a Camera If only one video camera is installed on your computer, Blackboard Collaborate automatically uses it when you preview and transmit video. However, if you have more than one video input device on your computer, you can choose which device to use.

Does Blackboard Collaborate flip camera?

Summary. The Collaborate web camera video preview window in the lower left hand corner shows as being mirrored or reversed, which can make it difficult to monitor writing being shown via a camera feed. This article will show users how to use the Share Content > Share Camera feature to see the writing correctly.Jul 23, 2020

How do I increase volume in Blackboard?

To increase or decrease the microphone or speaker volume during a session, press the slider and drag it right or left.

How do you know if you're muted on Blackboard?

9. Blackboard Collaborate: Connection and Audio … By default, your microphone is muted when you join a session. If you can't hear anything, check your browser session and audio settings first.May 23, 2021

Open The Admin Console

  • From the Administrator Panel, under Tools and Utilities, select Admin Console. The Admin Console displays a machine name string at the top of the page. This represents the machine name string for the application server in the load-balanced configuration.
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  • The Caches feature contains statistics relating to in-memory system caches and information about size, how many permissions they are using, the paths on the cache feeds, their use for various items (such as caches for resource bundle files and caches for institution roles), and more. This information is kept in memory to avoid database problems. This data facilitates bett…
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  • The Databases feature contains detailed information about database connection pool usage and potential performance issues related to long-running SQL queries. It displays the events and listeners for the different tools that are used for an application. It also displays any related SQL statements for an elapsed amount of time. The information displayed is for the currently selecte…
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  • Logs contain lists of real-time system logs and provides access to the full log file from elsewhere in the Administrator Panel. This allows for easy monitoring of system logs throughout the system. To access a system log, select a log hyperlink. A new window appears, which displays the log and also provides log search capabilities.
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  • View detailed information about the supported monitors and their associated listeners. This interface includes items that the Admin Console itself is listening for such as logs, cache events, database events, and so on. It provides a summary view of this information. This is useful if you are trying to debug an issue with the Admin Console itself.
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  • Navigate a list of the current threads in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Identify any deadlocked threads that could potentially be fatal. Active threads appear in bold green text. Idle threads are identified as such.
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System Captures

  • Capture logs, system metrics, and thread data as a snapshot in time that you can package into a .zip file for download and analysis. Select the Create System Capture button to perform a system capture. All of your system captures are listed in the interface. To delete a system capture, select Delete. The System Captures feature contains the following Long Running SQL Statement infor…
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JMX Browser

  • Browse and externally monitor JMX MBean hierarchy. You have read-only access to the kind of information that would be available if you had an external JMX-compliant system. This is an external representation of the JMX fields, based on your environment. The fields you see in this feature are dependent on your JMX MBeans and the software you are using.
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  • View a dynamic representation of the total amount of available system memory and obtain a quick snapshot of memory usage in the system. The memory feature is not designed to provide historical memory data. Rather, it is a live memory tool. Information for five different memory pools are provided and classified as heap or non-heap. These include: 1. CMS Old Gen: The poo…
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System Information

  • View detailed information, including arguments and class path information, about your operating system and Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and learn how the JVM was instantiated. You can use system information as a diagnostic tool for a system that is behaving poorly and obtain a quick, read-only view of system captures each time they are performed. This feature is not designed t…
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