blackboard lsa

by Dr. Keyon Fahey 7 min read

What is the LSA process in Windows 8?

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What does access to education mean to LSA?

Blackboard Tulsa Tech’s learning management system to find course information, grab homework, and check updated grades, no matter what type of class you’re taking. Calendar Tulsa Tech offers a vibrant array of campus events that support our students’ career training & …

What is the protected process setting for LSA?

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Why LSA? - myaccount-redirect


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Students who are experiencing course access issues may be able to resolve them in a few simple steps. Have you tried clearing your cache within Chrome? If your cache is not cleared on a regular basis, the browser may not display your course correctly. Here's a link that can help walk you through how to clear your cache for both PC and Mac users.


iClicker is the audience response system supported by the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA), as well as several other colleges at the university. Student clickers, either hand-held remotes (Classic) or phones/tablets (Cloud) allow students to respond to questions/polls that the instructor displays.

Should you use iClicker Cloud or iClicker Classic?

For most instructors, we recommend iClicker Cloud as it provides access to your data anywhere as well as an online gradebook, additional question types, and is free for both instructors and students. It does, however, require that students have phones/devices out in class.

Getting Started

Select Cloud or Classic, below, to explore the essential features of each.

Getting Help

The easiest way to keep up to date on changes in iClicker is to sign Up for iClicker Updates .

What is LSA in Windows 8.1?

The LSA, which includes the Local Security Authority Server Service (LSASS) process, validates users for local and remote sign-ins and enforces local security policies. The Windows 8.1 operating system provides additional protection for the LSA to prevent reading memory and code injection by non-protected processes.

What is audit mode?

While in the audit mode, the system will generate event logs, identifying all of the plug-ins and drivers that will fail to load under LSA if LSA Protection is enabled .

Can you debug LSA?

If LSA protection is enabled, you cannot debug a custom LSA plugin. You can't attach a debugger to LSASS when it's a protected process. In general, there is no supported way to debug a running protected process.

Can a x86 based device disable LSA?

In this scenario, it is possible to disable LSA protection by using remote access to the device.

Do plug-ins need to conform to SDL?

All of the plug-ins must conform to the applicable SDL process guidance. For more information, see the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) Appendix. Even if the plug-ins are properly signed with a Microsoft signature, non-compliance with the SDL process can result in failure to load a plug-in.

Do LSA plug-ins need to be signed?

LSA plug-ins that are drivers, such as smart card drivers, need to be signed by using the WHQL Certification. For more information, see WHQL Release Signature. LSA plug-ins that do not have a WHQL Certification process, must be signed by using the file signing service for LSA.
