blackboard learn umb\

by Dorothea Cartwright 7 min read

What is Blackboard Learn™?

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How do I get administrative access to BlackBoard Learn?

The Blackboard Mobile Learn app gives access to your courses content on Android and iOS. Can I connect to library databases from home? Students enrolled in a UMass Boston online course are eligible to access Healey Library's resources and databases. Learn more about library resources and how to access them at the Healey Library website.

Can I use blackboard at UMass Boston?

Blackboard The University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) is the state’s public health, law, and human services university devoted to excellence in professional and graduate education, research, patient care, and public service. Skip to navigation Skip to content myUMB Directory Emergency The Elm Calendar Blackboard SURFS UMB Shuttle

What is blackboard and ultra base navigation?

Blackboard Learn™ is a learning management system that the University uses to help instructors make learning more effective in and beyond the traditional classroom walls. Blackboard helps with: bringing efficiency to day-to-day tasks providing tools to engage every learner reaching learners on the devices they rely on



Blackboard is the courseware management system at the University of Maryland, Baltimore for web-enhanced and web-based courses.

Ultra Base Navigation provides a better way to navigate Blackboard Learn

What is the Ultra Base Navigation? It is a modern, intuitive navigation menu that lives outside of courses. It includes links to new pages such as the Activity Stream, that provides quick access to the most critical information consolidated from all your courses.

Supported Browsers

If you experience problems performing a task or accessing information you may need to clear your Browser cache.

What is Blackboard?

Blackboard Learn™ is a learning management system that the University uses to help instructors make learning more effective in and beyond the traditional classroom walls. Blackboard helps with:

Blackboard Policies and Procedures

Please see Blackboard Policies and Procedures for important information regarding use of Blackboard at UMass Boston.

Request Your Content Copied

The University provides a Blackboard course shell for every class listed in Wiser, with a blank template already applied. To reuse content from a previous semester please fill out the Course Content Request form.

Course Design Guidance

Contact eLearning and Instructional Design at [email protected] for help with course design.

Request copy of content

Empty Blackboard course shells are created for all WISER course sections. If you are a faculty member who would like to reuse content from a previous semester please request a copy of your prior course:

Enroll your graduate or teaching assistant (s) in Blackboard

To enroll your graduate or teaching assistant or any other user besides a registered student in Blackboard Learn, a request must be made in writing to the Blackboard administrators at [email protected].

Creation of non-WISER accounts

Creation of single-sign on accounts will be made only via direct transfer from the WISER (PeopleSoft) system. Any necessary manual creation of an account will be made using a non-WISER/demo account.

Copy Blackboard content from another instructor

Permission to copy Blackboard content from another instructor must be received in writing by the Blackboard administrators at [email protected].

Change the start or end date for a course

To modify the dates during which student can access a course, an instructor must send a written request to the Blackboard administrators at [email protected].

Merge sections

Multiple sections of the same course can be combined (merged) using the Merge Enrollments option in WISER. The merge will be reflected in Blackboard through automation. Follow the steps in the following document to Merge Blackboard Classes in WISER.

Transfer Final Grade from Blackboard to WISER

The final grade can be transferred from Blackboard to WISER. This requires the instructor to perform a few steps in both systems. Follow the detailed instructions to transfer grades from Blackboard to WISER.


Request Copy of Content

Enroll Your Graduate Or Teaching Assistant(s) in Blackboard

  • To enroll your graduate or teaching assistant or any other user besides a registered student in Blackboard Learn, a request must be made in writing to the Blackboard administrators at [email protected].
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Creation of Non-Wiser Accounts

  • Creation of single-sign on accounts will be made only via direct transfer from the WISER (PeopleSoft) system. Any necessary manual creation of an account will be made using a non-WISER/demo account.
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Copy Blackboard Content from Another Instructor

  • Permission to copy Blackboard content from another instructor must be received in writing by the Blackboard administrators at [email protected].
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Change The Start Or End Date For A Course

  • To modify the dates during which student can access a course, an instructor must send a written request to the Blackboard administrators at [email protected].
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Add Or Delete A Student to/from A Course

  • Student access to (for example, to finish an incomplete grade) or deletion from a course will only be permitted upon written request by the instructor or program director to the Blackboard Administrators at [email protected].
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Merge Sections

  • Multiple sections of the same course can be combined (merged) using the Merge Enrollments option in WISER. The merge will be reflected in Blackboard through automation. Follow the steps in the following document to Merge Blackboard Classes in WISER.
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Transfer Final Grade from Blackboard to Wiser

  • The final grade can be transferred from Blackboard to WISER. This requires the instructor to perform a few steps in both systems. Follow the detailed instructions to transfer grades from Blackboard to WISER.
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Blackboard User Roles

  • A user can be assigned only one course role at a time. By default, Faculty and Students will be enrolled via direct transfer from the WISER (PeopleSoft) system in the “UMass Boston Instructor” and “Student” roles respectively. Other roles are used as follows: Instructor: Used by Administrators who “Quick Enroll” in a course to provide support. Administrators should “Quick U…
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Administrative Access

  • Administrative access to Blackboard Learn can only be granted by the Manager of eLearning and Instructional Design, the Senior Learning Management Systems Administrator, or UMass Online administrators (for their own support purposes). Administrator roles are currently limited to “All Course Admin”, “All System Support”, and “Survey Author” (in limited cases).
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