blackboard + learn southern west virginia

by Prof. Brooklyn Franecki DDS 3 min read

Welcome to Blackboard!

The Virginia Office of EMS has adopted Blackboard as a statewide Learning Management System (LMS) for certified EMS providers and students.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Blackboard is still underdevelopment at this time. While Virginia EMS providers have accounts established on the system, there is presently no educational content on Blackboard. Please see timelines listed below

Blackboard will be rolled out to EMS Education Coordinators so that content can be created for all Virginia EMS providers to be able to access. This will include specific training from a Blackboard professional trainer.

What is Mingo County School District?

The Mingo County School District, in Southern West Virginia, is comprised of one PK-5 school, six PK-8 schools, two high schools, and an adult career center.

Can students access their class content on remote learning days?

Students may access their class content on remote learning days and in the classrooms on in-person days. In-person and virtual students will also have access to live video conferencing and other communication with their teachers.
