blackboard learn saddlebac

by Richard Schaden 10 min read

Does Saddleback College use Blackboard?

Saddleback's online courses are powered by Blackboard (a Web-based course management system designed to allow students and faculty to participate in classes delivered online or use online materials and activities to complement face-to-face teaching).

How do I log into MySite?

Login to MySite? MySite is accessible from the college home pages - look for the MySite button. Use your Student Number and PIN to log into MySite.

What is Saddleback College known for?

Arts. For those interested in the arts, Saddleback College offers one of the most comprehensive and progressive programs in the nation including art, cinema-television-radio, music, photography, speech, and theatre.

How do you get a Saddleback student ID?

College ID cards for students, faculty, or staff members can be obtained from the Office of Admissions, Records, and Enrollment Services during the office hours of operation. College ID cards are used on campus for various library, laboratory, and classroom tasks as well as printing and copying documents on campus.

How do I check my Saddleback email?

Click on the link or copy and paste it into your browser. Sign in with your entire student email address as the username and a password (You must reset your password if you are using the default PIN+00 as a password).

How do I access my IVC email?

Irvine Valley College: Students may access their E-Mail by using any one of the 35 computers located on the first floor of the IVC Library. Tutors are available in the Library to assist students with their E-Mail process. The computers are available during all hours the Library is open.

Is Saddleback College a good school?

Overall Quality. College Factual ranked Saddleback College as #827 out of 2,576 colleges and universities in the country on its 2022 Best Colleges list. Saddleback College also holds the #120 spot on the Best Colleges in California ranking.

How long is Saddleback College?

The 4-year institution will sometimes accept Credit/No Credit grades.

What is the graduation rate at Saddleback College?

17.6% (For non-first-time, part-time in 2018–19)Saddleback College / Graduation rate

Where can I find my California community college ID?

A CCCID is a unique student-identifier generated when a student creates an OpenCCC account. Most students get their CCCIDs when they first apply to a California Community College using the CCCApply admission application. You may find this ID on your official college transcript or by logging in to your CCCApply account.Oct 7, 2019

How do I send my transcripts to IVC?

In order to submit International Transcripts to Irvine Valley College, you must first have them evaluated by a foreign credential evaluation service. After receiving your report from these services, you must submit the official, sealed evaluation to the Office of Admissions & Records.