blackboard learn not rendering docx files

by Maurine Murray 10 min read

Does Blackboard accept DOCX files?

Blackboard: Supported File Types in Blackboard Assignments Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) Microsoft Excel (XLS, XLSM, XLSX) ... Rich text files (RTF)Sep 30, 2019

How do you upload a DOCX file to Blackboard?

Click on the Name of the Assignment. A new screen will load where you will see further instructions, a due date, points possible, an area to type comments, and the ability to attach a file. When you are ready to submit an Assignment, click Browse My Computer to attach your file, then click Open to attach the file.

Why is Blackboard not working on Chrome?

Make sure that cookies from third parties are allowed. Third party cookies are allowed by default on all supported browsers. If you experience problems staying logged in to Blackboard, please check your browser settings to make sure you allow third party cookies.

Why can't I submit a file on Blackboard?

Assignment deadlines are set by the instructor within Blackboard. If you are trying to upload an assignment past the deadline, please contact your instructor. Media Files (mov, wmv, mp4, etc) can no longer be uploaded directly to Blackboard.

Can you attach files on blackboard?

Yes. You can attach files to other course content, such as documents, assignments, and tests. You can also insert files with the editor so students and other course members see the file alongside other content you add.

Why does blackboard change my Word document?

Instructors and students have experienced problems viewing text that has been pasted directly from Microsoft Word or other Office products directly into Blackboard. The cause of this issue is hidden formatting code that is included when using the copy/paste feature from Microsoft Office products.

What is the recommended browser for Blackboard?

Recommended Browser We strongly recommend Blackboard students use the latest version of Mozilla Firefox for Windows or Mac because it is the most compatible with our current Blackboard systems.

Which Internet browser is not recommended for use in Blackboard?

Google Chrome versions 42+, Mozilla Firefox versions 52+, and Microsoft Edge don't support NPAPI-type plug-ins, including Java plug-ins and many media browser plug-ins. Blackboard doesn't support these browsers for using embedded media types that require third-party NPAPI plug-ins for viewing. 3.

Does Blackboard work with Microsoft Edge?

The new Windows 10 browser, Microsoft Edge, is listed as being supported by Blackboard. At this time the GVSU Blackboard Support group recommends Firefox, Chrome or Safari. A list of Blackboard supported browsers can be found here.Jan 1, 2018

How do I resubmit on Turnitin Blackboard?

Text Upload SubmissionSelect the Text Input tab.Enter a submission title in the box provided.Type or paste the text of your submission into the Submission Text box.Select Upload and Review button to proceed to the review stage. ... Review your upload, then select Submit to Turnitin to submit.

What is yellow on Blackboard?

The colors map to these percentages: > 90% = green. 89–80% = yellow/green. 79–70% = yellow.

Why is my Blackboard Collaborate not working?

Try clearing your browser cache, and reloading the session. Restart your computer. Try using Firefox instead of Chrome. Try dialling into the session using your phone.