blackboard learn marshall

by Jamar Cassin 10 min read

How many blackboard classes are there at Marshall?

We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.

What is Marshall’s learning management system?

Blackboard. Marshall’s Learning Management system is Blackboard Learn 9.1 and houses more than 600 e-courses, with over 250 sections per term. Serving over 16,000 students annually, Blackboard houses all online and hybrid programs, e-courses, and provides every single type of class a Blackboard section each semester.

Can I use blackboard to teach online courses?

To learn more, see My Grades. Home: A link to the Marshall University web site. Help: Go to the Marshall Blackboard Support Center web site. Course Messages or Mail (Internal) The Course Messages tool (sometimes called “Mail Internal” because that was its previous

What are the it maintenance hours at Marshall University?

Sep 06, 2015 · These workshops will be presented virtually using Blackboard Collaborate by Tammy Jolley, Customer Success Advocate, Blackboard Inc. To Attend these Workshop: Please email: [email protected] to reserve a seat. Seats are limited, so be sure to reserve your spot. Once registered you will receive the specific meeting log-in information. Questions …


How to contact Blackboard support?

Call the Blackboard Support Center at 844-590-7561 or visit the web site:

What is the office of online learning?

The office of Online Learning is a dedicated faculty support office, but is also the office that will answer your questions regarding all Blackboard issues. If you have an issue in Blackboard that is related to a graded activity, you should first alert your instructor to this

What is wiki in college?

wiki is a collaborative tool that allows you to contribute and modify pages of course-related materials. More than one user can collaborate to create content, or the instructor may ask you to create content individually. Students can offer comments, and instructors can grade your content.

What is a blog in a course?

Blogs offer another way for you to contribute to a course and interact with other students and your instructor. Blogs may be individual or open to a group or everyone in the course.

Where are assignments located in a course?

They can be found in any content area, learning module, or folder, or as a link on the course menu.

Can you use a journal in class?

You instructor may ask you to use the journal as a self-reflective tool or to analyze course-related materials. Note that journals can also be made public for the class to read, and can be graded. You can view the instructions above the journal and information about the journal at your right.

Is wired internet more reliable than wireless?

Before you begin, make sure you have a strong internet connection and a wired connection if possible. A wired connection is more reliable and less likely to timeout than a wireless connection

Transforming to Meet the Evolving Needs of Students

Learn how Marshall University partnered with Blackboard to create a comprehensive digital learning environment that enabled student success.

Academic Effectiveness

Marshall drives excellence in teaching and learning by providing an experience that is connected, insightful, and personalized.

Education Insight

Marshall leverages data to drive decisions to continuously improve student and institutional success.

What online courses are available to high school students?

Qualified high school students may take two dual enrollment courses per college term. These courses can be a combination of dual credit and online college courses.

What is the admission process?

Qualified high school students are accepted under a special “early admission” option. Early admission is required if you wish to enroll in college courses before high school graduation, even if you have already been admitted as a first-time college freshman at Marshall.

Are you ready to get started?

Speak to your counselor, liaison, or Marshall recruiter to let them know you are interested. School counselors can send your letter of reference and high school transcripts; let them know you are ready to apply!

What is the design center?

Design Center: A faculty lab devoted to answering your questions about Online Learning and Blackboard, the Design Center is available Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm. We have a Design Center on the Huntington Campus (Drinko Library 235) and the South Charleston Campus (GC 321).

Is the online learning event page updated?

The Online Learning Events page has been updated. Take a look at the sessions that are available (live webinars, with self-paced training coming soon). If there is a topic you would like to see covered, send us an email and let us know!
