blackboard learn faytech\

by Moriah Dietrich DVM 7 min read

What is Blackboard Learn®™?

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How do I access FTCC blackboard?

Students should listen to local radio stations or look for an announcement on the FTCC website to learn if the college is closed. In the event that class is canceled, students are required to check the announcements on the Blackboard site for the course to receive further instructions.

How do I get to Blackboard?

Blackboard Learn©®™ is the course management system used by FTCC for online course delivery. Blackboard allows students to communicate with instructors, submit assignments, participate in class discussions, complete assessments, etc. Each student has a unique username for Blackboard that is also used for campus computer access, Student ...

When will my blackboard class components be ready for student use?

Apr 14, 2022 · Current Student Resources. Self-Service is a tool that allows you to access more detailed information about your student account, register for classes, make payments and view your financial aid.. Enrollment Verification. Enrollment verifications are available after the census date for the classes you are currently registered for. Enrollment verifications are provided …

What is academic dishonesty in FTCC?

Academic dishonesty is considered to be a serious offense and may result in probation, suspension, or expulsion from FTCC.

What are students expected to do in writing?

Students are expected: to use their own ideas and their own words in any paper they write. to write about material they have read, but what they say about it should reflect their own understanding and their own comments on it. to use occasional quotations but to identify them as quotations.

Is plagiarism a serious offense?

FTCC considers plagiarism to be a serious offense. A student found guilty of plagiarism may be given a failing grade in the course and additionally may be placed on probation or suspension, or expelled from FTCC. Students are responsible for knowing what constitutes plagiarism.

What is the dress code for college?

Dress Code: While on campus, students are expected to dress in clothing that is appropriate for the educational environment of the College or in accordance with specific rules established to protect the health and safety of students. Under no circumstances should a student’s attire be distracting to others.

How can students help the college protect everyone?

Students can help the college protect everyone by reporting immediately any threats received or heard to their instructors, security, or any college staff member. The college always takes steps to protect students who have reason to believe that they are in any type of danger.

What is the student attendance policy?

Student Attendance Policy: Each student is expected to attend class regularly. The College believes that when students attend class regularly they are demonstrating responsibility and commitment to their education. Students must be in attendance during the first 10 percent of the class to be considered enrolled.

Does Fayetteville Technical Community College share information?

Fayetteville Technical Community College ensures the protection of students’ privacy taking distance education courses. FTCC does not share distance education students’ protected and identifying information with third parties. To protect the privacy of all students, including distance learning students, FTCC complies with ...

What is a blackboard?

Blackboard allows students to communicate with instructors, submit assignments, participate in class discussions, complete assessments, etc. Each student has a unique username for Blackboard that is also used for campus computer access, Student Email and WebAdvisor. Courses & Enrollments.

What is Ultra Base Navigation?

What is the Ultra Base Navigation? It is a modern, intuitive navigation menu that lives outside of courses. It includes links to new pages such as the Activity Stream, Calendar, Messages, etc. that provide quick access to the most critical information consolidated from all your courses.

What happens if a student drops a course on Blackboard?

If a student drops, changes or adds a course, Blackboard course enrollment is updated automatically the next time integration runs. Students dropping a course after the start date are disabled in the Blackboard course. The student’s id is grayed out in the course, but still visible to the instructor.

Current Student Resources

Self-Service is a tool that allows you to access more detailed information about your student account, register for classes, make payments and view your financial aid.

Enrollment Verification

Enrollment verifications are available after the census date for the classes you are currently registered for. Enrollment verifications are provided through the National Student Clearing House. To obtain an Enrollment verification: