blackboard learn cgtc

by Ressie Reilly 9 min read

What do I do if I Forgot my CGTC password?

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What does CGTC stand for?

CGTC students will now access Blackboard based on the area of the college where they are taking courses. Please follow the appropriate link below to access Blackboard. Not sure which link to select? Contact the Customer Service Call Center at (478) 988-6800 (Press 1) for assistance. Degree, Diploma, and TCC Credit Courses

Who will represent CGTC at the Eagle Leadership Institute in 2022?

In the event the course instructor is unable to provide appropriate assistance, students can contact the Distance Education Coordinator, email the Help Desk, or call the Customer Communication Center at 478-988-6800 (Press 5). CGTC Online Learning & Blackboard Contact: Jody Dixon. Distance Education Coordinator. Blackboard Administrator.


The link to go directly to Blackboard is

CGTC Online Course Help Desk

Online students experiencing technical problems should first contact their course instructor for assistance. Some problems encountered are a direct result of specific software requirements or the setup of individual courses.

How to open a course on Blackboard?

The Course List module provides access to available Blackboard courses. To open a course, click the name of the course. To manage the settings for the Course List module select the gear in the top right corner of the module.

Where is the Global Navigation Panel on Blackboard?

Blackboard’s Global Navigation panel allows easy access to your courses and various tools. The Global Navigation Menu is located in the upper right-hand corner of the Blackboard window and accessed from anywhere in Blackboard. To access/expand the Global Navigation Menu select your name or the down-arrow next to your name.

What is the message module on Blackboard?

The Message module on the Blackboard Home Page allows students access to course messages from all Blackboard enrolled courses. It provides a ‘quick view’ of course messages without having to enter a course.

What is the home page of a course?

The Course Home page is the starting point for each course and contains “modules” to update students on what is happening in the course. The modules available on this page may differ by course. Make sure the course name, number and CRN, found at the top of the course menu on the left, match the course found on your course schedule.

What is course to course navigation?

The Course-to-Course Navigation is a list of courses and by selecting a course will navigate to the same page the current course is on or closest page to it.

What is a course home?

The Course Home is the course entry point and contains “modules” to update students on what is happening in the course. The modules available on this page may differ by course.

What is the lesson link?

The Lessons link will contain the Orientation Exercises, First Assignment – Intro Questionnaire, and the Learning Modules folder (course content). Please note some courses do not use the Learning Modules folder, course content may appear directly on the Lessons page.