blackboard ivc

by Coby Crooks DVM 5 min read

What is IVC class?

IVC (Interactive Video Class) A fully digital class that uses same-time delivery using web video technology. The class has a scheduled meeting time. Canvas serves as the class location, with learning materials and links to join the class video meetings.

Does IVC use canvas?

Canvas. Canvas is where students can take online classes (distance education courses and web enhanced courses) and see assignments, announcements, grades, and more. Get Canvas help.

What is IVC Online?

IVC offers a large and diverse selection of online education classes to hundreds of students each semester. Many of our General Education courses can now be taken online, and new courses are being added to the online program each semester.

How do I log into my canvas IVC?

You have two options to log into the Canvas course website. The easiest and most convenient is to use the IVC Canvas Login link You may also access Canvas from the link at the top of the IVC Page 2 homepage

What is an IVC filter used for?

An inferior vena cava (IVC) filter is a small device that can stop blood clots from going up into the lungs. The inferior vena cava is a large vein in the middle of your body.

How do I access my IVC email?

Irvine Valley College: Students may access their E-Mail by using any one of the 35 computers located on the first floor of the IVC Library. Tutors are available in the Library to assist students with their E-Mail process. The computers are available during all hours the Library is open.

How many students go to IVC?

14,541 (2016)Irvine Valley College / Total enrollment

How do I become an IVC student?

Steps to Become an IVC StudentSTEP 1: Apply for Admission. ... STEP 2: Complete Guided Self Placement (Matriculation Part 1) ... STEP 3: Submit Official High School Transcripts (Matriculation Part 2) ... STEP 4: Attend Advisement (Matriculation Part 3) ... STEP 5: Develop a First Semester Plan (Matriculation Part 4)More items...

What is Irvine Valley?

The Irvine Valley has, from earliest times, been one of the main routes from the ports, towns and farmlands of Ayrshire into the hills of central Scotland and thence to Edinburgh. A trip through the Irvine Valley is a trip through Scottish history.

How do I change my canvas password IVC?

Learn how to reset your password.Open User Settings. In Global Navigation, click the Account link [1], then click the Settings link [2].Edit Settings. Click the Edit Settings button.Change Password. Click the Change Password checkbox [1] to create a new password. ... Update Settings. Click the Update Settings button.


Canvas is where students can take online classes (distance education courses and web enhanced courses) and see assignments, announcements, grades, and more. Get Canvas help.


Use WebSTAR for registering for classes, ordering official transcripts, reviewing your academic records, checking your Financial Aid status, and updating your personal information.

My Priority Registration Times

Find your registration date & time. This is the earliest time that you will be able to add and drop classes.

Degree Works

Sign in to Degree Works for student education planning. View the classes that you have completed and which graduation requirements they fulfill, as well as which ones are still needed in order to complete a particular major or certificate.


This sign on will allow you access to many systems, including setting and resetting your password. Sign up for PortalGuard when you first set up your password to retrieve it later.


For employees only, Starfish offers online services, such as scheduling counseling appointments.

Student Email Login

When accessing your IVC Email for the first time, your password is your Date of Birth. (For example: if you were born January 1, 2001, your Password would be 010101)