"blackboard is an example of ________ software."

by Monica Nader 5 min read

Blackboard is an example of BLANK software Course management A BLANK software installation installs all the most commonly used files to your computer's hard drive

Blackboard is an example of gaming software.

Full Answer


Nov 11, 2020 · Blackboard Is An Example Of _____ Software November 11, 2020 by Admin If you are looking for blackboard is an example of ________ software , simply check out our links below :


Feb 01, 2022 · Blackboard is an example of _____ software. Course management … All of the following are examples of database software EXCEPT _____. OneNote.


What software lets you perform calculations and numerical Analyses?

MATLAB is a widely used proprietary software for performing numerical computations. It comes with its own programming language, in which numerical algorithms can be implemented.

What type of software manages e mail contacts calendars and tasks?

Microsoft Outlook is mainly used as an e-mail application. Outlook is also used to manage an online calendar, tasks, and contacts (address book).

What software helps run the computer?

The most important piece of software in your computer is the operating system which is system software. Windows is the most popular operating system for PCs. Word and PowerPoint are examples of application software. Application software helps users solve problems or carry out tasks.

Does a full software installation enables you to choose?

A full software installation enables you to choose which program features you want installed on your hard drive. Application software helps run the computer and coordinates instructions with the hardware. Using your mobile devices to make purchases is more risky than making purchases with your computer on the web.

Is Blackboard an example of gaming software?

Blackboard is an example of gaming software.

Which of the following are examples of being computer literate?

All of the following are examples of being computer literate, Except: knowing how to avoid hackers and viruses, knowing how to protect your privacy, knowing only how to use your computer for e-mails, or knowing how to use the web efficiently.

Which of the following is not an example of computer software *?

Discussion ForumQue.Which of the following is not an example of system software?b.Utility Softwarec.Communication Softwared.Word ProcessorsAnswer:Word Processors1 more row

Which of the following is not an example of application software?

The correct answer is DOS.

What is a Wiki quizlet?

What is a Wiki? A wiki is computer software that allows users to easily create, edit and link web pages.

Is Adobe Photoshop a drawing software application used by graphic artists?

69) Adobe Photoshop is a drawing software application used by graphic artists.

What is the use of freeware?

As small software utilities, freeware is free to use throughout its lifetime because it does not expire after a certain period. Freeware may be used for a desktop, mobile or Web-based utility. Generally, freeware is a concise and limited version of a larger and paid software program.Dec 31, 2012

What is a full software installation?

Full software is considered to be the installation of Restaurant Manager complete with security key. Restaurant Manager is software that requires installation on a single computer hardware drive. It is from this computer that all stations will communicate.