blackboard in italian

by Mr. Josue Senger 7 min read

What does Benvenuto mean?

welcomeBenvenuto Name Meaning Italian: from the medieval personal name Benvenuto, meaning 'welcome' (from Old Italian bene 'well' + venuto 'arrived'). Generally it was an omen name given to a long-awaited and much-desired child.

What does Spiaze mean Italian?

noun. [ masculine ] /'spjatːso/ clearing , open space.7 days ago

Is Delizioso Italian?

Adjectives in ItalianIn Italian, adjectives always agree with the noun they describe, which means that they have to show whether they are masculine or feminine and singular or plural to match the noun.

What does VAIO mean in Italian?

vaio m (plural vai) dark grey (colour)

How do you say cheers in Italian?

'Viva' Viva and Salute are Italian for cheers.Jul 31, 2021

Does Prego mean in Italian?

you're welcomeThe most common translation is 'you're welcome': prego is what you say when someone else thanks you. – Grazie mille! – Prego. – Thanks very much!Jun 21, 2019

What are some common Italian phrases?

Basic Italian PhrasesBuongiorno (Good morning)Buona sera (Good evening)Buona notte (Good night)Ciao (Hi / Hello / Bye)Come stai? (How are you?)Sto bene. ( I am fine)Scusi / Scusa (Excuse me [formal / informal])Mi dispiace (I am sorry)More items...

Is Vaio a word?

Unscrambler and Scrabble Word Finder Vaio is not a valid Scrabble word.

Context sentences

These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. is not responsible for their content.

Context sentences for "blackboard" in Italian

These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. is not responsible for their content.
