blackboard how to make page available to users

by Wilber Bins 7 min read

Click the “+” button above the course menu Choose “Tool Link” Choose “Discussion Board,” give it the title “Discussion Board”, and make sure to check the “Available to Users” box so students will have access to the link

In the search results, open the user's menu. To change the availability for one user, select Make Available or Make Unavailable. To change the availability for multiple users, select the check box for each user. Point to Availability and select Make Available or Make Unavailable.

Full Answer

How do I make a course available on Blackboard?

A course must be made available before students enrolled in the course can view or access the course and its content. However, you may want to make a course unavailable during the building process or after a scheduled course has finished. If your course is unavailable, access is determined by course role.

How do I add new users to my blackboard account?

How to Make Your Course Available on Blackboard . Introduction to Blackboard 2020 Home Page Announcements Course Documents Discussion Board Groups Course Tools Blackboard Help for ... Make this course available to users? Make Course Available O Yes No O Use Term Availability (2020 Spring Term (BAROI) is Available) Click Submit to proceed.

How can I support students with disabilities in Blackboard?

From the "My Blackboard" page in the My Courses list, click the course you'd like to make available. On the left menu look for the "Control Panel", …

Can I add a teaching assistant to my blackboard course?

In the top right corner, find a Padlock icon. If the course is unavailable for students, you will see this red padlock icon. If the course is open for students, you will see this grey padlock icon. To change the availability for students. Click the Padlock icon, this will …


How do I make a page available on Blackboard?

Log into Blackboard Learn and enter the course. In the Course Management menu under Customization, click Properties. Under Set Availability, check the radio button next to "Yes" for Make Course Available. Click the Submit button.

How do you make a link available to students in Blackboard?

If you want to make the link available to students, then click on the double-down arrow on the right side of the button. Next you will click on the Show Link option.Oct 25, 2013

How do I change permissions on blackboard?

Find the Manage Permissions pageIn the Content Collection, navigate to the folder that contains the item.Select Permissions from the item's menu.Choose an option to get started. ... Select the users or groups for the permission settings, and then choose their permissions.Select Submit to save.

How do I make my course available to students?

0:000:47Make Your Course Available in the Original Course View - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSelect properties under customization in the control panel. Here you can edit the course descriptionMoreSelect properties under customization in the control panel. Here you can edit the course description. Make the course available and set the course duration.

How do I link to someone on blackboard?

How to add a Course Link within your Blackboard courseEdit Mode. Check that Edit Mode is turned ON. ... Content Area. Choose the Content Area into which you wish to add your course link. ... Course Link. ... Browse. ... The Browse Window. ... Link Information. ... Options. ... Click on Submit.More items...

How do I create a content link in Blackboard?

Be sure Edit Mode is ON so you can access all of the instructor's options. In a content area, learning module, lesson plan, or folder, select Build Content to access the menu and select Course Link. On the Create Course Link page, select Browse. In the pop-up window, select the item you want to link to.

How do I make someone a leader on blackboard?

On the Administrator Panel in the Users section, select Course/Organization Roles. Open the role's menu and select Edit. On the Edit Course/Org Role page, select the properties and capabilities the role should have. Select Submit.

Which permission only user can see the content?

Read means that a user can only see, open, and download the item. Write means that a user has read permissions, and can also edit or overwrite the item, including the file name and settings. If the user has write permission for a folder, the user can also create new items (folders and files) within it.

How do I stop people from downloading my video on blackboard?

Edit user permissions In Course Files, navigate to the file or folder. In the file or folder's row, select the icon in the Permissions column. On the Manage Permissions page, open the menu for an item in the User/User List column and select Edit. Delete removes the role and the permissions for the file or folder.May 24, 2021

How do I make a course unavailable on blackboard?

To make a course unavailable, follow these directions:Click on the name of your course in the My Courses module.In the Control Panel on the lower left-hand side, select Customization, then Properties.Scroll down to Set Availability. ... Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Submit.Aug 11, 2020

How do I make my course active in Blackboard?

To make a course available:Click on the Customization under Control Panel.Select Properties under Customization.Scroll to item number 3 and Select Yes option.Scroll to the bottom of the page, click on the Submit button to activate the change.Mar 14, 2018

How do I change the original course view in Blackboard?

To edit the course view for a specific course, edit the course settings. Go to Courses on the Admin Panel and search for the course you want to edit. In the list of results in the Course View column, you can see the view for each course. In the course's menu, select Edit, and then choose the course view.

What does "unavailable" mean in Blackboard?

"Unavailable" means that an instructor has access to the course, but students will not be able to enter the course. Instructors have to make the course "available" to allow students access to the Blackboard Learn course. There are three options to make your Blackboard Learn course available:

How to change course availability on Blackboard?

In either view, open the course card's menu to change the course availability by clicking the three horizontal dots. Click the three horizontal dots (course menu) to change course availability. Click "Open course".

Step 1: Edit Mode

Edit Mode is a slider located near the top right of the page. This gives you the opportunity to see exactly what your students see (Edit Mode Off) when they log in.

Step 2: Main Page

This is the first page your students will see when they log into Blackboard and view the FIG Class Page. By default, this also serves as the Announcement Page. Any Announcements you create will appear on this page for the convenience of your students.

Step 3: Announcements

By clicking on the “Create Announcement” button from the main page, you are brought to the Create Announcement page. This is most often used for text and/or link comments that your students simply need to read. Information about assignments or course content will be discussed on later slides.

Step 4: Time Options

Time Options give you opportunity to tailor your Announcements by date. You can create a future announcement that will not appear to students until a certain date and remove itself from view at a certain time as well. These options are available for all Announcements, Assignments and other items you post on Blackboard.

Step 5: Syllabus

By clicking on the Syllabus button on the left list you are brought to the Syllabus page.

Step 6: Instructor Info

By clicking on the Instructor Info button on the left list you are brought to the Contacts page. This is the best place to post the contact information for both you and your CoFac. (be sure to double check with your CoFac to see what is the most appropriate way for students to contact them if necessary).

Step 7: Course Content

By clicking on the Course Content button on the left list you are brought to the Course Content page. This is a good place to post anything that does not fit as an Announcement or an Assignment. Many professors post their class notes, web links and other useful files on this page.
