blackboard how i see submitted assignments

by Alessia Tillman 6 min read

Open Blackboard and navigate to the course with the assignment. Click the link for the content area the assignment is in. In this case, it's in the Assignments area. Click the link for the assignment. Depending on the file type and content of the submission, you will either see a preview of the submission or a Download button.

You can check to make sure an assignment submitted successfully. On the Course Content page, select the assignment link. A panel appears with the date and time you made the submission. Not graded appears until your instructor grades the assignment.

Full Answer

How do I access and grade assignments submitted in Blackboard?

May 20, 2021 · 8. Submitting and Viewing Blackboard Assignments … How students review submitted assignments and check their grade · Click the link for the content area the assignment is in. · Click the link for the … 9. Blackboard Assignment: Access and View …

How do I upload an assignment to Blackboard?

Feb 03, 2022 · 8. Submitting and Viewing Blackboard Assignments … How students review submitted assignments and check their grade · Click the link for the content area the assignment is in. · Click the link for the … 9. Blackboard Assignment: Access and View …

How to turn in assignments on Blackboard?

May 22, 2019 · How students review submitted assignments and check their grade Open Blackboard and navigate to the course with the assignment. Click the link for the content area the assignment is in. In this case, it's in the Assignments area. Click the link for the assignment. Depending on the file type and ...

How do I turn in an assignment in Blackboard?

You'll also see the time limit on the assignment's Details & Information panel and within the assignment, as you work. You'll see Start attempt instead of View assessment. When you select Start attempt, you'll receive a pop-up window to start the timer before you can access the assignment. If you're not ready to start, select Cancel. After you start, the assignment auto …


How students submit a Blackboard assignment

Be sure you are ready to complete the assignment before beginning. If you are uploading a file, be sure you have triple checked your work and that it is how you want it. Depending on the settings your instructor chose, you may only have one attempt to submit your work.

How students review submitted assignments and check their grade

You must submit an assignment before following the instructions below.

How to jump to the editor toolbar?

To use your keyboard to jump to the editor toolbar, press ALT + F10. On a Mac, press Fn + ALT + F10. Use the arrow keys to select an option, such as a numbered list. Insert from Cloud Storage: You can instantly connect to multiple web apps where you store files, such as in OneDrive ® and Google Drive™.

Can you edit your work after you submit?

The Submit button is disabled until you add content or answer at least one question. If your instructor allowed one attempt, you can't edit your work after you submit. If your instructor allowed multiple attempts and you submit an attempt past the due date, the attempt will be marked late.

Can you view a rubric before or after an assignment?

If your instructor added a rubric for grading to an assignment, you can view it before you open the assignment and after you start the attempt. Select This item is graded with a rubric to view the rubric. If you want, you can view the rubric alongside the assignment instructions.

Can students see assignments?

Students can't see an assignment until you choose to show it. You can create all your content ahead of time and choose what you want students to see based on your schedule. You can also set availability conditions based on date, time, and performance on other items in the course gradebook.

Can you add media files to assessments?

If your browser allows , media files you add to assessments display inline by default. If your browser can't display a media file inline, it appears as an attachment. Files you add from cloud storage behave in the same way.

Can you add time limits to an assignment in Ultra?

You can add a time limit to an assignment in the Ultra Course View. A time limit can keep students on track and focused on the assignment because each person has a limited amount of time to submit. The assignment attempts are saved and submitted automatically when time is up.

Can you change the grading schema?

Be aware that if you change an existing assignment that students can access, some students may have started their submissions. You can't change the grading schema if you've already started grading.

Can students submit work online?

Students can view the assessment alongside other content on the Course Content page and on their global and course grades pages. Students are informed they can't submit work online. They can access other information, such as the instructions and a rubric if you added one.
