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GBE students in grades 3-6 take SOLs (Standards of Learning assessments) between May 4th-May 27th. Click here to view specific test dates for each grade level. Please keep these dates in mind when scheduling appointments and other events that could require your 3rd-6th grade child to …
George Brown College has enabled the Blackboard Mobile Learn application; it allows you to access your Blackboard Learn content in an engaging and intuitive way from virtually anywhere. Download Mobile App: Open the Android Market or App Store application on your phone, search for 'bbstudent', and download
Sign out from all the sites that you have accessed.
We experienced an IT system outage a few weeks ago. Most college systems are up and running as usual, but if you do experience a technical problem, you can find help with the following options:
To login to the George Brown Blackboard Learn system go to bb-gbc.blackboard.com.
Your academic information is organized in one place, providing a consistent, quick and easy way to find everything.
George Brown College has enabled the Blackboard Mobile Learn application; it allows you to access your Blackboard Learn content in an engaging and intuitive way from virtually anywhere.
If you still have questions, you can contact Blackboard 24/7Student Help at Help Desk Live Chat.